Tale of Two Bad Ducks


9 Years
May 10, 2010
Southern MD
Seriously, these two have been up to no good. So we spent most of the day chasing them out of our pool. Can't blame 'em. It was a hot one, but I'm so worried about them drinking the water. They were fine with their kiddie pool up until recently.

Now it's bed time. I'm out of peas. Even went to the store for peas and no frozen peas. So I figured, ok, I'll just give 'em some cheerios like I did last night. Oh no. They looked at them and started quacking in protest, turned around and went the other way. So my hubby is picking some up for my spoiled duckies on his way home (he works a bit away, so it's a different store).
Ooh thanks! The water hose worked wonders. We'd been using a little squirt gun and they quickly learned how to get just out of reach!

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