Talking Pekins


8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Over the rainbow...
I lost 2 Pekin girls several months ago but they were my loudest and most adamant talkers. After they were gone my lone Rouen female took up the chatter but not near as much as my Pekins and she would mostly talk to the Khaki that survived with her. We got 5 more Pekins and they were a very quiet group. I was almost convinced they were all boys but after a feather biting incident and doctoring I found out 2 were girls but still not a lot of noise. We lost 2 of the 3 boys and one of the girls to the stinking bobcat because everyone thought someone else locked the coop (my fault entirely) but now my 2 surviving Pekins have found their voice! Even being at the bottom of the pecking order my pair are loud and they always seem to be telling me off
I kind of wish they would go back to being quiet, pretty yard ornaments
As soon as I park the truck I can see their mouths start moving and depending on what story they are telling me or who is telling it better I can hear them over a disel engine! They like to tell on each other and tell me about their day and sometimes just tell me off for not giving them as many treats as they want! My pretty Olivia still likes to quack at me for various things but she is nowhere near as loud or as energetic. Is it all Pekins or just mine that love to chatter so much? Maybe it's becasue I quack back
I think my Pekin is mute. I have three Rouens that you can hear from two houses away, but the pekin just opens his mouth and whispers even when he is excited! Its strange.
EAhearn05, it's a boy for sure! But does he chatter all the time still? My boy is really quiet like all drakes but boy does he still chatter as if he had a voice! It's crazy how much mine talks! My Oliver that got taken by the bobcat the first round, was quiet and only talked to me or the girls when he really needed to but Chen-Po loves to just go on and on with Ming

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