Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!


I didn't realize what it is until I looked closely.


Not to push coffee on the tea thread, but...
Coffee has oils and acids in it. If you're using a regular drip coffee maker with a paper filter, then you're filtering out the oils. Using a French press (or they have reusable filters that don't use paper or that you use in place of paper filters) leaves the oils in the extraction. I found that I have fewer stomach issues when I drink coffee that hasn't been filtered through paper. KWIM?
But tea is better for you. =D

We have a washable filter, so the oils go through, I'm just getting old or something....

I've heard of apple chamomile, I wonder if that's Roman chamomile.
Never tried borage tea; DH has taken Borage oil, but IDK what for.

I believe it is - I tried growing the German chamomile for a while, but it just wasn't the same.

Crashed the car vs. drank my tea. That would never stand up in my house. lol

I'll see if I can go find one of the burdock leftover from last summer and take a picture - just got covered with them the other day while searching for a chicken nest. grumble grumble
I like coffee, but I have an upset stomach most of the time if I drink it on an empty stomach. I had no idea that coffee filter strips the oil in coffee. I'll try the french press to see if my stomach doesn't complain. Thanks!
I love drinking tea in the morning by myself. It is a moment of relaxation for me. When drinking coffee, however, I don't like to drink it alone. I always associate coffee with company. Funny thing.
My reaction to my husband drinking my tea, well I think I was speechless really. I don't don't think I reacted at all. One would never make a scene, this is England after all!
My reaction to my husband drinking my tea, well I think I was speechless really. I don't don't think I reacted at all. One would never make a scene, this is England after all!

You are indeed a very well put together person. I hope someone fixed you another cup.

Someone here had posted about red tea. Is it rooibos?
:lau  Nope.

I'll see if I can go find one of the burdock leftover from last summer and take a picture - just got covered with them the other day while searching for a chicken nest. grumble grumble


Oh.okay. I'll have to get one of those washable filters.
Yeah, there's no point in growing something you're not going to use.

You're welcome. Hope it helps.
Yeah, that sounds nice. I like the tea for relaxing and core for company thing. :)

My reaction to my husband drinking my tea, well I think I was speechless really. I don't don't think I reacted at all. One would never make a scene, this is England after all!

This made me smile. Yes, there are women here in America who don't mind making a scene.

You are indeed a very well put together person. I hope someone fixed you another cup.:)

Someone here had posted about red tea. Is it rooibos?
I did.I think it was. It was a free Lipton pyramid in with my regular tea bags.
I think I have it here. I'll look for it when the snow melts.
I tried rooibos once a long time ago. Can't even remember the taste. I have to try it again. For now, I'm still hooked on the English Breakfast in the mornings :)
This is what the burdock looks like now - some of it is even 5' tall.

This is what it looks like in summer:

The top two pics look like sand spurs.
The bottom pic looks like kale gone wild. lol
I searched pics online, but I don't think we have anything very much like that around here. Just the "angry dandelions".

I think I have it here. I'll look for it when the snow melts.
I tried rooibos once a long time ago. Can't even remember the taste. I have to try it again. For now, I'm still hooked on the English Breakfast in the mornings :)

I want to try rooibos again too. We'll compare notes. :)

I had Earl Grey with honey and lemon this morning. It was wonderful.
I had a cup of Irish Bfast this afternoon with sugar and milk (well, half & half). It was awful!!! It tasted plasticky; I'll have to get DH to change the filter. (I still need a hands-on-hips emoticon.)

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