Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

The website I got the recipe is botanical.com
Let me know if you make it!

I had this tiny blueberry bush I had just planted in a place the chickens weren't interested much. Well, they found the bush and almost picked it bald. I had to use steel cloth all around it. This year I'll let them work the compost in the vegetable garden till May when I'll have to fence it. This year I'm planting warm crops. Maybe some cold crops underneath the trellis. I am excited for spring. Can't wait for warm weather. Then I'll be relaxing with a glass of iced tea
That's funny - my chickens appear to be allergic to blueberries. I offered them a few off my sad lil bushes last summer and they looked at them and turned up their noses. More for me!!

Found the recipe! Now to start more horehound - I've got seed but it's incredibly temperamental.

I broke down and got Lady Jane instead of my Irish Breakfast tea this week. I really love the flavor Bergamot adds to tea. Maybe I should try growing that too. I don't have seed for it though and DH will kill me if I buy any more seeds before I plant what I have....
I'll let you plant the horehound first and learn from you

Lady Jane is delicious. I enjoy Earl Grey, too. Today I had darjeeling.

I too have so many seeds I don't know what to do with all. Maybe you could buy the bergamot at a nursery? It would be fun to mix the brewed dried leaves with black tea to see what you come up with.

I still have frozen blueberries from last July. My chickens go crazy over them.
Ha! Ok, I'll let you know how the horehound goes.

It would be fun to make your own mixes. I keep wanting to order a tea tree, supposedly they would grow in our woods - but not with the weird below zero we had this winter. I have a poor rooster with a new rounded comb as proof, it's just not as majestic, not to mention it hurt, as he let me know when I put vaseline on it.
ow. poor guy. Roosters need that. It is vital to the strutting his stuff business. Maybe you can make him a little felt comb that ties under his chin. He can be the biggest baddest comb strutting' rooster ever. (By the time the girls find out, his personality and charm will have won them over.)

ack. wrong thread. I've lost my thread! ahhh.
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Loose leaf is my favorite! I enjoy pretty much every tea I can get my hands on, but spearmint, white chai, and genmai cha are my favorites. I prefer honey with hot tea, but no sweetener at all with iced tea. Tea is just the best!
I have a horror of loose leaf tea. Being English we children were given tea in our feeding bottles as babies. Terribly unsmart now, but back in the day, parents drank tea and thought it normal to start little ones on tea from about 6 months old. I have a vague memory of how the loose leaves clogged up the holes in the teat URGHHHH........ Still can't bear it although I am a great tea drinker, it has to be tea bags!

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