Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

I think with the Avocado trees, they have both male and female flowers, but one opens way before the other so that they do not self pollinate.. like blue berries.

I think the mango is Irwin root stock. or Ivan...?
I am going to see what we can find and when we get one I will let you know!

Unless it is out of California. They don't share well with Fla.
Things can be developed here, then grown there, and they won't send it back here.
But to be fair, we have sharing issues too.
They don't want our citrus greening and we don't want their chrysanthemum white rust.
Congratulations on finishing your Exams!!

My son is on his last senior semester, and I think he is getting slappy too.
I just think everyday that he is one day closer to leaving home and I get sad.

Thanks! =)

Yeah, apparently it happens. DH and I are both like


What good news, 3goodeggs!! A mango tree that can grow in a pot!!! I wonder what variety it is. I want one!! I remember seeing a lot of avocado trees abroad that yielded huge avocados, but never a lone tree. I haven't heard of a male and female tree, but I'll look into it. I know that some species of papaya need male and female to produce fruit.
IKR, it's hard to watch our children grow up and leave the nest. But it is also so beautiful to see them spread their wings and find their place in the world.

Tea, I'm happy for you that now you can relax a bit after your exams. Hope you did very well!

I too had a long day. I need to rest.

Good night all!
My older kids are teens. I'm so nervous, b/c it's getting close to the end of my time with them and I know I haven't been a perfect mother, but I hope I've been a good mother, mostly I hope that I've given them everything they need to be respectful, responsible, confident ppl.
That was all one sentence, wasn't it? Sorry about that. Like I said, I'm nervous.

Thank you. I've done alright. I think I have an A in Science, but in Psych (Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences) I had the wrong edition of the book. My instructor was kind enough to send me the data that my book didn't have. Right now, I have a B or a B-; hopefully, I'm able to redo the assignments and get up to the A range.

I hope you rested and are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning. =)

I think with the Avocado trees, they have both male and female flowers, but one opens way before the other so that they do not self pollinate.. like blue berries.

I think the mango is Irwin root stock. or Ivan...?
I am going to see what we can find and when we get one I will let you know!

Unless it is out of California. They don't share well with Fla.
Things can be developed here, then grown there, and they won't send it back here.
But to be fair, we have sharing issues too.
They don't want our citrus greening and we don't want their chrysanthemum white rust.

EWwwwwww, cooties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*runs around like a crazy chicken*

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