Tell Me About Your Roost(s)!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
We bought this coop (the CC-78-R2-H to be exact) but I'm worried about the roosts since they are lower than the nesting boxes. DH built the entire coop, and then I made him remove the roof because I think we need to add another roost that is above the door?

What has your experience been? Anyone have success with roosts at that lower level? Or do you think I have to add a higher roost?

I'd love to see photos as well!!!

This is my nestboxs with the roost above, they could roost on the board in front of the boxes but always choose to go to the highest point which is the bar I want them on in order for the poop board to work. If you put a roost bar in front of the door that means they will be walking through poop to get to the nestboxs which might lead to dirty eggs, you could try putting a couple across the narrow way of the coop probably at least 2 at the same height.
OH dear...

Yes the roost is to low as you suspected. They will sleep in the highest place they can get to and that would be the nest boxes.

Since they poo a lot at night that will be icky fast.

How many chickens do you plan on or already have?
You might find some modification ideas on some of these threads about cconly coops

My roosts are very similar to jetdogs, my nests are about a foot lower than roosts but on other side of coop. You can see pics of them in the 'My Coop' link under my username.
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