Tell me the truth! Tell me the truth on 4/03 tell me the truth

chilling in muscadine

{ I love being disfunctual }
11 Years
Jun 8, 2008
muscadine, al.
How many people out there watch the show "Keeping up with the KasTRASHians.

Don't lie and I mean it. just type the word yes or no. Still no lying.!!!!!!!!!

How many of you guys are willing to admit you watched the ending of Kourtney and Kim take New York to see if Kim gave Hump the axe on the air. Don't lie, don't be scared to admit it . I want tell anybody, promise.

How many of you guys rolled on the floor laughing when KIM got Flour bombed. Way to go Kloie" Good way to save the animals. Just quit um. Whats your Bill board going to say now? Do you want to kill the innocent animals yourself? Is this always been tradishtion with your family?

What do you vote for Brucie?
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No I don't!
I have heard of it... but haven't actually a clue what goes on there. Not interested in finding out either.

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