Tell something about your self that would surprise others.

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Seriously Speckledhen? Amazing. One of those "events" in my life I'll never forget. Know exactly where I was, the time, what I was wearing, how I found out.

I also remember 911, JFK, the Challenger exploding, but that would be another possible thread.
Okay, add me to the irrational fear of spiders and snakes and clowns..... seriously... they freak me out.

I also am terrified of driving over bridges. I was always terrified (I grew up just north of the Godlen Gate), but when the Loma Prietta earthquake happened and they kept showing the same scene of the Bay Bridge collapsing and the cars falling into the bay. It took me YEARS to drive over another one. And I HATE it now, but at least I can do it.

I don't watch TV at all. I hate it!!! I hate all the negativity and blatant sexuality. I only listen to Christian radio so no horrible news and I don't read the newspaper. I used to have a secular homepage and could read the headlines, but now my homepage is so no news at all now. I am definitely in a bubble, but I totally love it. And I can sleep at night with no horrible images or thoughts in my head.
I grew up in El Cajon. It sure has changed from the days when there were only a handful of cops (my dad was one of them) and Santa made his rounds in a police car. The Fire Dept and police station and City Hall were in one building off Lexington Ave. Everyone knew everyone else.

There were actual houses on Mollison Ave. My grandparents owned the property where that 3 story apt building now sits at the corner of Lexington.

You could drive up Avocado from Chase (2 lane rd) and buy avocados off the tree for 20/$1.

Sorry I broke my own rule about off topic.

Sorry about that.
Jeaucamon's a FLYBABY!!!
Me too...

What the heck is a FLYBABY????? lol

Terrie, totally busted LOLOL
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I had a 20 minute conversation with Chet Atkins once and had no idea who he was. Just thought he was a really nice old man.

(Did the same thing with Kix Brooks. Clearly I'm a country music idiot...)
I grew up in El Cajon. It sure has changed from the days when there were only a handful of cops (my dad was one of them) and Santa made his rounds in a police car. The Fire Dept and police station and City Hall were in one building off Lexington Ave. Everyone knew everyone else.

There were actual houses on Mollison Ave. My grandparents owned the property where that 3 story apt building now sits at the corner of Lexington.

You could drive up Avocado from Chase (2 lane rd) and buy avocados off the tree for 20/$1.

Sorry I broke my own rule about off topic.

Sorry about that.

What a small world....... we lived there for about 2 years - In El Cajon, and a couple of years round the corner in Santee.... I worked in Poway and boarded my horse in Ramona - so east county was my play-ground.

I bet its changed since you were there - too many houses too close together! yards the size of postage stamps!
Ditto so I will admit to what others have admited....

Clowns - freak me out, I LOVE decorating for Halloween and Big Lots had a clown - no WAY was I even tempted, freaked me out just being near it in the store.....

Ex- neat freak - drove people crazy with it.

Speech impediment - think Elmer Fudd

Immigrant - went from eh to huh

"High School Drop Out" - got my diploma when I was 21, that same year I bought a company, a house and a new car.

Arrested once - Grant Theft Plant. I had an indoor plant maintenance company for 10 years, one of my contracts (a rental - means they rented the plants that I maintained) was a lawyer firm in Calgary. Calgary is a boom or bust town - depending on oil prices. Well this was a bust year (early 90's) and they had to do some budget cutbacks so they bought some of their plants and let me & the rest of the plants go......So long story of the corner office lawyers (means he was a partner) charged me with stealing "his" Norfolk Island Pine that I had grew to ceiling. My brother who is not a lawyer represented me in court. Judge told me to sue the dumba$$ for stealing my services for 10 years, defamation of character and traveling expenses, never did but I still remember "doing time" - 2 hours of pure nausea
I'm weird... It's not social anxiety (I'm almost always the life of the party) but anxiety over not being able to control a situation. For instance, I'm NEVER late and it drives me nuts when someone is late. I get so anxious watching the minutes go by. I also get anxious in huge crowds, but I'm not claustaphobic.
I'm the same way - when I was in the corp. world and would need to interview someone, if they were 5 minutes late well they could turn around and go right back where they came from! (drove my co-workers NUTS who wanted to give the person a second chance)
Many on the EZByc know this, but I'll tell it again. I was born in Coral Gables, Florida and at 3 days old was adopted. My parents were teens in the middle of a divorce. In 1999, after my adoptive mother died, my dad gives me the adoption papers. Contrary to what I'd been told, my birthname "Fuller" was on them. Through a series of events, I tracked down my birth family with the help of a wonderful adoption researcher volunteer named Mary and a woman named Janet Ray Weininger-you can google her and find out her work for Cuba and Nicaragua, etc. My father, Robert Otis Fuller's family was American, but owned thousands of acres in Cuba, where they did lots of business. The land was taken by Castro during his rise to power. Bobby Fuller, a marine, joined up with a group of mercenaries and snuck onto Cuba's shores, only to be captured and summarily executed as a spy by firing squad, in spite of his mother's pleadings to Fidel Castro, an acquaintance.
My mother had died 10 years previous to me finding all this of liver cancer, probably actually cirrhosis, and I had a sister two years older. Three years after finding my sister, she died of cancer of the retina about her 49th birthday. No other relatives exist that I know of. My sister, upon hearing of Janet Weininger's search for her father's body, a pilot shot down and executed during the Bay of Pigs, decided to sue Cuba over our father's death. She died during that lawsuit. Bobby Fuller's siblings and my sister's husband took over the suit, won a judgement for millions of dollars, and that's the last I heard, except that her husband remarried a couple of years later.
To find out more about Janet Weininger's humitarian missions, check out her website:

to find out about Bobby Fuller, check out these sites:

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