Temperatures in outbuilding OK for chicks?


Apr 8, 2021
Hi everyone, I have 10 3 week old leghorn and light sussex chicks that are currently in a brooder in my house. They have access to a Brinsea ecoglow. We currently have a leak in our roof so will have to move the chicks to an outbuilding whilst we arrange some home repairs. The outbuilding is like a big wooden shed (chalet) with French doors. I live in Scotland and I am worried about temperatures dropping at night (0C or minus 1-4C). There is a storage heater in the chalet but we are not sure if it works, it doesn't look like it. With the brinsea ecoglow will the chicks be OK? The outbuilding is draught and water proof. Any help much appreciated. We didn't intend on having chicks at this time of year!
Toss an old towel over the brooder plate to make a cave. You can also put it (still with a towel tossed over it) in a large cardboard box turned on it's side. Place it over thick, dry bedding tucked into a draft free corner of the shed. Make sure there are no places where a chick can get trapped or stuck.
Put the food and water away from the heat source. They should do just fine.

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