
Hi dachsunds,

I just received my first chicks on the 4th, so they are ten day old now: 5 SR Buff Orpingtons, 5 SR Speckled Sussex, and 5 male White Plymouth Rocks. All males will go into our freezer once they are big enough, and any hens will be kept for pet layers. We just heard of a family-run poultry processing facility in Bowling Green, so that is where we plan to take the meat birds in a few months.
Portland is nice area... do you raise duchsunds along with your chickens? What kind of chickens do you have?

My two big newbie concerns are that 1) the chickens won't be old enough fast enough to deal with an unheated coop this winter; and 2) the summer heat will be too much for my heavy fluffy breeds. What's your experience been?

Thanks for the welcome!
Well the big breeds will grow and feather fast,but they needa light in the b rood house/pen for a few fall months. Just enough to keep the chill pff. I'd leave it on day and night so if they feel cold they can warm up,like going and sitting under a hen.
They will be fine in the heat as long as they have shade and water.
I have easter egg(EE) bantams,they lay blue eggs, silkies,and golden neck d"occles. Also have atrio of black cochin bantams but am going to sell them. I also raise Birmingham roller and parlor roller pigeons. And yes we occasionally have a litter of dachsunds. We have a male and two females.Silkies are great setters. Thats the reason I keep them. Since I don't have an incubator yet I use them. There is poultry auction at Elkton Ky. Should be about 1-2 hours from you. great place to get birds. Its once a month. Sat was the last one this month. I'll let you know when the next one is. Also there is a big swap meet place in Leabanon that has poultry to. Its every sat/sun.
I am in Memphis, TN. I am looking for people in memphis that have chickens. I am in the middle of the city and have a backyard coop right in the middle of the Berclair area. I am new to owning chickens, but I am having trouble finding chickens and feed and items like that... an help would be great!
Hay Soldieratheart I live just down the road from you. Coopertown Rd. in Joelton, small world. I have EE's and silkes. There so sweet. This is a great place to live. I've been here 4 years now.
Hey Gambler girl Sounds like we are all new here! We have been here about 5 going on 6 years. It is a pretty neat place but I miss home!(Okla)
Are your EE's standards or bantams? I have bantam EE's ans silkies and goldneck d'occles. My EE's are my favorites.
Anyone interested in a chicken sale in this area, there will be a sale sponsored by the Volunteer State Poultry Club in Dickson, TN this Saturday on the 26th. If you have poultry to sell, it only cost $10.00 to set up. Of course, if you are looking to buy, there should be plenty to choose from and many of the participants have award winning stock.
Hay Dashsunds My daughter lives in Whitehouse and works at Lowes mill work in Whitehouse. This is a great place to be. Spring Creek Farms just sold the last of my test hatchery silkie chicks and makeing room for my Indigi chicks. So I'm good all the way around but I would like to go and look with cloths and shoes that don't go to the barn. I went to the Nashville state fair, that was cool.
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Does anyone in TN have a place where you can buy milled chicken feed? I would like to start feeding my birds something other than what is sold at TSC but I don't know a good source. Thanks for any pointers. I am in Smyrna but am not afraid to travel a bit to get it.

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