
Céleste is a pretty name. Guess I don't know you then, but glad to "meet" you here!

GamblerGirl, I'll have to do a drive-by one of these days. If you see a VW Passat wagon, it's me! My in-laws are closing on their new home off 41A in a couple weeks, so I expect to be in Joelton more frequently thereafter as they actually WANT my DH and I to drop off the grandkids for overnights - woo-hoo!

I like Dorris Mills so far, but get my bedding at WalMart - the pine shavings are way cheaper than at TSC. Although I just picked up some of their pelleted bedding to give it a try. Dorris Mills people are super friendly and helpful and have a neat bulletin board to help advertise your eggs/chickens/whatever.

How long have you all kept chickens? This is my first time, my 5 White Rocks will be meat birds and the rest of the males as well (I may get soft-hearted and keep one roo). The girls will be pet layers. Next time around I am thinking of adding Welsummers in hopes of getting a stunning and friendly roo, and switch to Delawares for meat because they're prettier than White Rocks (yes, I am shallow like that
) and are on the ALBC. Would love to slowly branch out over the years into acquiring heritage breeds and helping to market them or simply sustain them through my home use.

What about ya'll?
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I'm Not sure what happened at some point my husband wanted chickens. I didn't want to get something I didn't know anything about. Went looking for info. After reading the first page, I keep going the first thing you know I saw Sassy silkies my jaw droped to the grown. March 18th I when to Dorris milling Co. for horse feed. They were having there first chick sale I got 4 EE's for my husband (he wanted them for eggs) and one silkie. Ever time after that when they had chicks I came home with a few12 EE's and 7 white silkies all together. Sold all my hatchery silkie last weekend except the first one Ozzy a rooster. He's going to stay with the EE's. got 2 hens here on BYS's. Less then two mos. they went broody together. Got eggs for a BYC member. There 6 weeks old and ordered 10 white silkies from Indigi in Fl. Weather is sill to hot. Going to make more coops out of a stall or two. Here we are.
Chickens 6 mos. I do lots of reading.
Husband[/URL] and two Grandkids

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HBueler the chiks made it home safe and sound and are in the brooder with several more chicks so they are happy! Thanks again.
Got chicks fro HBueler this morning,they were great and looked nice and healthy. She is a very nice lady. Hope more of you get to deal with her.

Fall weather next week! Yeah! I'm tired of this hot humid stuff.Ready to put the pumkins out!Remember to save your pumkins when they go bad or you are thru with them. The chickens like them and you get nice dark orange yolks!
Welcome! I mosey down to downtown once in a while, but hate hate hate the traffic and one-way streets. But it's a lot of fun once you park the car!

Glad your chicks arrrived safe and sound dachsunds. If I ever go to silkies I might drive by Lebanon!
gamblergirl, we have 9 right now. breeds are below the line, all hens, and 5 of them are laying...crossing fingers about the others, although at least one won't lay until next spring.

yeah, you're not far away at all...in fact, my good friend jason adkins works on a farm in joelton. so here's a big wave to my joelton neighbor!

(i don't know how to make a smiley wave)

Gambler girl
My silkies are a mix of colors. I have a red roo,one hen is hite with a little red on her breast,and three that are partidge. I just keep them for setting so am not worried about the color the chicks come out. Its fun watching them develop and change colors!
Hey there! I'm just outside the city limits of Murfreesboro out the west side. I think the co-op has different feeds but not sure what. I get Purina SunFresh at Keltons (used to be Murfreesboro Feed...). They are on Hwy 96 just out from Sam's.
Hi all you other Tennesseans out there!! Soldieratheart looks like you've got lots of BYC neighbors up your way! I've been so amazed at how many people have backyard chickens.

Burtschickens I'd love to hear all about your setup for chickens on 2nd Ave. That's soooo great!!

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