Termite Treatment and Poultry?

my sunwolf

7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
Southwest Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
Last month we had our house treated for termites with termidor. Basically, a man came and injected the termidor poison 4ft down into the soil all around the perimeter of our home. This stuff does not repel termites... it chemically bonds to the soil, and the termites bore right through it. By doing this, they spread the poison to their base colony, and they all die. The poison stays active in the ground for 5-7 years or longer. The company claims that the treatment is safe, even with small amounts of contact with the chemical, for humans, dogs, cats, and other mammals.

But it says nothing about birds.

My concern is not that the chickens will scratch around and eat pieces of the termidor that splashed onto the surface (they say that this could happen during injection) since they are in a run in the yard; my concern is that the termidor will affect other insects on my property and that the chickens will eat the infected insects. (On a side note, I'm also worried that it will kill off beneficial insects that might have hung out in my garden.)

So far no mysterious deaths, but I have little ones in the brooder and now I'm reluctant to let them free range in the yard. We do have pasture that's a little further from the house, but out there I worry more about predators.

Have any of you chicken keepers done this kind of termite treatment?
Any ill effects, or has everything been okay?
I know you posted this a long time ago, but today I found out I have termites and the recommended treatment is exactly what you are describing. My chickens are not free ranging yet (they were just rescued this summer), but their coop is about 10-15 feet from a corner of the house so I'm nervous about shooting chemicals so close. Did you have any problems?
The active ingredient in Termidor is phenylpyrazole (Fipronil) and is found in many OTC pesticides. Its listed as being "highly toxic to fish, but Fipronil is used to control 'ich' (a parasite found on fish). Termidoe has also been shown to be toxic to upland game birds (if they inhale it), but is no more dangerous than Permethrins or Pyrethrins (Pyrethrins are formulated from the oils of chrysanthemum leaves, found primarily in Guatemala). The EPA doesn't allow for the use of chemicals that have a "secondary kill" factor. Which is one of the reasons they outlawed chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT and Chlordane,... that and the fact that they are persistent, lasting up to 50 years in the soil). They also claim that Fipronil and Pyrethrins will last 5-7 years in the soil...This would only be in a perfect environment... realistically about three years dependent upon where you live. The amount of moisture and sunlight have a significant effect on how long these chemicals last..... I personally wouldn't get very exited about my birds eating a few contaminated termites, ants, etc.

Just my two cents worth as a licensed commercial applicator of pesticides.
Hi KGreene,

I have a question if you don't mind. Our chicken run made of wood was sitting on the ground. We raised the run onto some cement block and found out that it was infested with termites. My hubbie let the chickens clean up a lot of the critters then replaced the damaged wood with pressure treated. He wants to spray also. We are in California and are not sure what products are safe. Our main concern is that coop is about 20 feet from the house.

I know you posted this a long time ago, but today I found out I have termites and the recommended treatment is exactly what you are describing. My chickens are not free ranging yet (they were just rescued this summer), but their coop is about 10-15 feet from a corner of the house so I'm nervous about shooting chemicals so close. Did you have any problems?

No experience with termidor but there are other methods. We had bait stations installed where they had found them and then they put poisoned timber inside the stations. Lot safer sounding but then I won't spray for spiders either lol. Figure the spiders are less danger than the pesticides they use (we are in Aus so don't have your same spiders)

Hi KGreene,

I have a question if you don't mind. Our chicken run made of wood was sitting on the ground. We raised the run onto some cement block and found out that it was infested with termites. My hubbie let the chickens clean up a lot of the critters then replaced the damaged wood with pressure treated. He wants to spray also. We are in California and are not sure what products are safe. Our main concern is that coop is about 20 feet from the house.


You are right to be concerned, one of our neighbours needed $80,000 au worth of repairs to his house after the termites got in.

It's actually important to stop and not touch or disturb termites when you find them and call in an exterminator to asses. If you disturb them they will move to a safer area and can take 6 months or more to find their new home so you can get rid of them. While ours were being treated we had to put everything on hold for months (were just about to rip up an old deck to replace and put in a pool)
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Hi! Do you mind sharing the latest status of your post (ie health of your chickens, etc.)? My home was just sprayed yesterday for termites with propanol and I'm concerned about letting them out. They free range everywhere around the house. Terminex confirmed that it should not be a problem but I'm still worried for my ladies. Please let me know how you're doing... it would so ease my mind!
I'm new to caring for chickens and I'm trying to do my best to keep them healthy. My home is due for a termite inspection and I'm concerned that it will need treatment. What's considered the safest treatment and distance from treatment? My chickens are not free ranging but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Thanks in advance for any/all advice.
We are fumigating our house b/c of termites & not sure what kindvof chemicals they will be using, My Roo & my girl Heather free ranges all day long & gets cooped up at night but the coop is small for 2 chickens only used to roost at night only... I do not have any coop w/ a run at all as they are strictly free ranging feral chickens.... I fear for their safety & well being.... Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks!
Lila Ann

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