
Jun 23, 2020
Please help. My four 2-3 week old chicks are all sneezing, and the littlest one is severely congested with runny poop. I can hear her rasping and wheezing when she breathes, and it's gotten worse over the past three days. I worry she may not be able to breathe if this progresses. This illness came on over the course of a few days, so I'm thinking infectious bronchitus, but no way to know for sure. Bedding is not dusty and they're not cold. I've been putting ACV in water at 1/2 tsp per quart, and using VetRx on beaks. Hoping to at least avoid secondary infections, if it is in fact IB. Vet says to try terramycin and feed store says Tylan. My Tractor Supply has Tylan 200, and I have terramycin tablets on hand. Which would be most appropriate for young chicks, and at what dose?

Age: Chicks, 2-3 weeks
Symptoms: Sneezing, raspy breathing, heavy congestion, runny poop
Tried: ACV, VetRx
Considering: Terramycin or Tylan
Need: Recommendations and dosing info
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You could try tylan, but it will be very hard to dose with the Tylan 200. How much do they weigh?
Thanks for replying. They weigh hardly anything. I can check when I get home using a kitchen scale. Would Tylan 50 be ideal if I can find it, or do you think no Tylan at all?
Calling around, looks like Tylan 200 is what's available in my area. I could order but worried with shipping I'll be too late. It's going to have to be Tylan 200, terramycin, or something else.
Where did the chicks come from, and do you have other birds? Do you see any bubbles/foam in an eye or swelling of eyelids? If they have infectious bronchitis, antibiotics won’t help, but it can last about a month. It can be hard to tell a virus from MG without testing, but bubbles and swelling are signs of MG.
Where did the chicks come from, and do you have other birds? Do you see any bubbles/foam in an eye or swelling of eyelids? If they have infectious bronchitis, antibiotics won’t help, but it can last about a month. It can be hard to tell a virus from MG without testing, but bubbles and swelling are signs of MG.
I'm not seeing bubbles. I can check for swelling, but it didn't stand out as a symptom. Two are from a local feed store, and the other two from Tractor Supply. That was my first mistake, combining birds. They've been vaccinated for Marek's, but nothing else. Using medicated feed. I have two hens who may have dry fowl pox (treated with terramycin and iodine last week and spots are clearing up). Been trying to practice good biosecurity, but I guess there's a chance the two flocks are connected. Chicks in bathroom, hens in run outside.

If it is infetious bronchitis, my fear is secondary infections. Poultry DMV: "Once infected, the virus initially replicates in the trachea, where it causes damage to the epithelium and predisposes the birds to secondary infections with pathogenic bacteria, especially E. coli and Mycoplasma." And Poultry Extension, "Administering antibiotics for three to five days may aid in fighting off any secondary bacterial infections."
Feed store where I bought two chicks is saying 3 cc of Tylan per gallon of water. They say to let the chicks drink that and that alone for a week. I can pick up the Tylan 200 today. If anyone has other advice or input, I'm very open to it. I want to get this right.
Be aware that Poultry DVM is not an official site. Some of their info is good, but some is inaccurate. I hope that @ casportpony can figure a dosage by diluting in water. Tylan dosage is around 5 mg per pound of weight given at least 3 times a day, for 3-5 days. Tylan 200 has 200 mg per ml.
Be aware that Poultry DVM is not an official site. Some of their info is good, but some is inaccurate. I hope that @ casportpony can figure a dosage by diluting in water. Tylan dosage is around 5 mg per pound of weight given at least 3 times a day, for 3-5 days. Tylan 200 has 200 mg per ml.
Thanks for setting the record straight about Poultry DMV. I guess I’ll try my best at dosing the Tylan, after weighing the chicks. I’m still scared about giving antibiotics to such little chicks without a clear diagnosis, but also nervous about not treating them.
Update and follow up questions: I bought the Tylan 200 liquid but never used because 1) believe illness was/is infectious bronchitis and not sure if any secondary infections were/are present, 2) worried about doing more harm than good by wiping out bacteria in young chicks, and 3) I didn’t feel confident in my ability to properly dose the Tylan.

Chicks are now 4 weeks old and still sneezing occasionally. My Giant Cochin hasn’t been gaining weight as quickly as the others and recently her poops went from normal (cecal, solids, etc) to watery. The pic is her best poop of today; all others have been 100% watery with no solid matter. As usual, lots of conflicting information online, with some saying to treat and others saying no biggie. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Wondering if I should add apple cider vinegar ACV and/or Corid to water for 5 days, or possibly now dose with Tylan. I could also wait and do nothing. I still suspect infectious bronchitis and possibly coccidiosis and/or secondary infection.


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