Tetra Tints??

I am glad to know they are close to leghorns. I was going to get a couple leghorns this year. That will be my very first white egg layers. Also a relative gave me 3 TSC chicks last year. They were white. They grew up to be white rocks, my very first of that breed. I loved them.
Forgot to mention I fell for the tetra tints as well. They were so friendly. The girl at TSC did tell me they were bred for TSC. I found this forum trying to locate the hatchery they use. So the little gals have already did good work for me, and they cant be but a few days old.
There is a photo of an Amberlink about midway down this page: http://www.rarebreedchicken.co.uk/page/hybrid_chickens_for_sale

bought a couple chicks from Tractor Supply last Spring, one turned out to be a White Leghorn, and the other turned out to be an Amberlink. It was the first i'd seen or even heard of one, and I just fell in love with the breed! lol They are a sex link, I think they come from a White Rock hen and a Rhode Island Red roo? Not sure on that.. Welcome to Backyardchickens, by the way!
I also have bought some tetra tints for the first time this year. Mine are 2 weeks old today, getting lots of dark brown feathers in with their light tan ones. They are sweet birds for sure
I was told they are brown egg layers and high production as well. I also have two leghorns (i am guessing) in the mix as well. Have fun with your new babies!
In my chicken madness I brought 8 of the Tetra Tints home from TSC, not to mention I have 25 LF Light Brahma's coming in the mail in 2 weeks!! I would LOVE to know what these little girls (yes I got the already sexed ones bc with 3-4 roo's I'm not taking any chances on getting more boys!) will look like when they get older, right now they are adorable little yellow fluff balls with some very very light brown markings on them. Does anyone have adult pictures of the Tetra Tints?
Chicachick! Is there any possible way you could post pics of your Tetra Tints? Mine are still very small (few days old), and not being able to find a photo of an older Tetra Tint (even a couple weeks old lol) is driving me crazy! ha
Ive got the tetra tints too! Cant wait to see what they look like-like a little suprise. Got them with 2 white leghorns and drew a line on the leghorns heads so we could tell them apart. Not much difference at this age......

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