Tetra Tints??

Thank you Yoie!! Did yours start out pale yellow, and developed the beige and the black dots?
My babies are just under a week old now. They've grown a bit, but no color change yet.
Thanks again for sharing that pic!
She always had the black dots on the head, but the one on the back showed up the other day and the beige just started to show up as the she started feathering out. It will be neat to see how everyones turns out!
I know, it's kinda exciting.. lol Frustrating that even the hatchery doesn't have a photo.....lol
But, it adds to the fun I guess. ha

I asked the hatchery, and they said they don't have any photos and have very little information,
as they only "get them in" for Tractor Supply. So, they (Mt. Healthy Hatchery) get them from someone else.
Was so hoping they'd have a photo of a full grown hen! lol
They are lookin alot like my leghorns. As some of y'all I got them out of the suspense of seein what'll come out of it all. I've heard that they're a Delaware croos breed. But who knows. Mine are around 3 to 4 weeks old now and are very curious and fairly easily handled. Hope all goes well for y'all and if anyone has anymore info on them besides "They lay eggs" (which is what TSC told me), do tell.
I just got 6 of these from TSC and had never heard of this variety! I called Mt. Healthy to ask about them. They said that they are a cross between a White Leghorn male and a Rhode Island Red female, that they lay cream colored eggs, are good egg producers but are not broody.
I have a Tetra Tint also. Dinner's about 3 weeks old, and she's a sweet bird (except with my Cochin Bantam) with soft-white, almost creamy colored feathers. Here's a pic from earlier this week:


Also there's a Tetra Tint thread in the Breeds, Genetics, & Showing forum: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=473961&p=1
from Mt Healthy regarding the breed in the 1st post; pix of older birds on pg 21, plus lots of other pix throughout. And I heard somewhere that TTs are a White Leghorn/White Rock mix, but I couldn't swear to that.

Hope this helps!!
I don't think these are specifically bred for TSC - I just picked one up at my local feed store. I am excited about raising baby chicks!~! It will be our first time. We have an Americuana if I spelled that right, a Jersey Giant, and a Tetra Tint - SOOOO excited!~!
I picked up 3 of these tonight just because of the mystery with them. I can't wait to start seeing pictures of this breed as they grow. The folks at TSC told me that they are great layers but will not grow as large as the leghorns. We will see because I also bought some of these.

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