
Hi, y'all! New here from the Bryan-College Station area!

I am just getting started with chickens. I bought 2 barred Plymouth rock chicks and was given 6 chicks of uncertain heritage. The person who gave them to me has buff orpingtons, buff brahmas, ameracunas, brown and cocoa marans, and easter eggers. They are three weeks old now, so I don't know which ones are which breed or combination of breeds yet. This is a picture of them at a week. I hadn't gotten the barred rocks yet, so they aren't pictured.
I'm watching a documentary on Netflix (Sustainable).....which is leading me to research planting red clover in the garden.
Anyone heard about using this for giving the soil nitrogen?

Yup. Red clover or Austrian peas or hairy vetch.

Quote: Edamame are super easy to grow and very easy to blanch and freeze and then have. I have had good success planting them surrounding eggplants - just seemed to work really well.

Quote: Oh, wow - so lovely!!! I want some of those sweet pretty chicks (as if I had room...)

Just took this one right as #2 was pushing it's way out

- Ant Farm
Yup. Red clover or Austrian peas or hairy vetch.

Edamame are super easy to grow and very easy to blanch and freeze and then have. I have had good success planting them surrounding eggplants - just seemed to work really well.

Oh, wow - so lovely!!! I want some of those sweet pretty chicks (as if I had room...)


- Ant Farm
Good gardening advice. Did you use inoculant with your Edamame?

Be carerful what you wish for...I have a lot of chicks that will be needing a new home....

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