
My goat Ebony graced me with boy/girl kids

Edited to add, they were up and nursing, but were panting so I took them inside to cool off for a bit. being born is hard work.

Pics or they aren't real...girl you KNOW we must see the new babies!
How dare you not show us pics!

just picking atcha!
How are all your new babies doing?
They are doing well -- Of the ones from 2-weeks ago hatch, I spilt the 13 Isabels into two brooders (storage tubs) so they have more room to grow. LOL -- 15 splits went to a new home on Tuesday night.... the ones hatched Jan 31 are growing out nicely and then the next batch is due to leave the brooder -- tomorrow -- but unless they get along fine with the other juveniles -- I have no spot for them. -- And those babies are in a pet carrier in a rabbit hutch in a hoop coop - (Raccoon defiance)
Thanks for asking:

These 2-week olds seem a bit larger than the other ones

same age as the ones above -- once there is more space they don't make quite the same mess.

an old broken mail box for 'shelter' -

The big kids -- they would rather sleep on top than inside..... And here is the housing for that pen:

And the broody - -with her babies:

There are chicks everywhere that you turn -- and more eggs in the incubator. I think I need my head examined.
I had a hawk take one of my Australorps and left no sign no feathers or down just my other girls screaming something was wrong

Sorry for you loss.
I hope the weather is being nice to you right now.

Tornado warning all over right now.
Hang on there Texans... the NOAA weather radar/satellite picture is pretty awesome for central TX right now. Huge line headed toward San Antonio and stretching all the way through the metroplex then west all the way to New Mexico. Probably gonna be more tornadoes out of this mess. Hang on!

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