
Babfll I didn't see that ket806 had offered be for me if he decides he's not interested I'll take them. Shipping this time of year in our Texas weather its not normally a problem especially for fully feathers birds, that's if you over nite them
ok I think I found a home for the frizzle closer so I dont have to ship him..
I don't have fire ants but still have my leaf cutter ant problems. They crawl all over the inside and outside of the coop and the litter in the bottom is a constantly moving mass as they scavenge for goodies. They haul off the chicken feed just as if it were leaves that they harvested. I used to go out and find their highway and then treat where they were coming out of of but now they've discovered they can come up through the bottom and there is no highway and I can't treat it. They don't eat baited food so you can't bait them. They grow their own mushrooms for food using certain green leaves and evidently chicken feed. I'm going to try the Dawn DW soap and see if that'll cut down on any traffic but guess I'll need to wait until I clean out the bottom next warm day. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be willing to try. DE hasn't worked on the ant population (though the chicks love it).

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