
The principal, who is a very nice person, apologized when I told her everything that had happened. Said this teacher had already had "issues" with other parents (rude behavior), and that she may not be staying on.
I am very sorry for how that teacher treated you, that was 100% uncalled for and I would be livid also

This comment from the Principal, has me deeply concerned. No matter how nice a person is, a Principal (or any boss for that matter) should never divulge information like that about one of their staff members. A simple, "I am sorry for the way you were treated and we appreciate your concerns, we will look into it" would have worked. Unless you guys are are friends on the side not just in a school situation, that was not appropriate. To me that shows deeper issues. Just my 2 (unasked for) cents
I am very sorry for how that teacher treated you, that was 100% uncalled for and I would be livid also :hugs .

This comment from the Principal, has me deeply concerned.  No matter how nice a person is, a Principal (or any boss for that matter) should never divulge information like that about one of their staff members. A simple, "I am sorry for the way you were treated and we appreciate your concerns, we will look into it" would have worked.  Unless you guys are are friends on the side not just in a school situation, that was not appropriate.  To me that shows deeper issues.  Just my 2 (unasked for) cents ;)  

That type of **** is exactly why I'm so glad I live in a town of less then 300 people. The school is the same building pre k through 12th grade with an average class size of 7! 1 teacher per grade that double as bus drivers... Everyone knows everyone!!!
Remember how y'all were talking about raking feathers the other day....? Well, I let my 6 week olds out for a romp in the chicken yard and they are trying...and succeeding sometimes....to EAT them!

I know they have plenty of protein in their starter feed and you would think one taste and yuck, but they must taste good. Silly chickies.
I am very sorry for how that teacher treated you, that was 100% uncalled for and I would be livid also

This comment from the Principal, has me deeply concerned. No matter how nice a person is, a Principal (or any boss for that matter) should never divulge information like that about one of their staff members. A simple, "I am sorry for the way you were treated and we appreciate your concerns, we will look into it" would have worked. Unless you guys are are friends on the side not just in a school situation, that was not appropriate. To me that shows deeper issues. Just my 2 (unasked for) cents

We are friends outside school, so that is probably why she told me. It was not in front of the teacher, it was after the teacher stomped off like a two year old The principal and I have been friends for 6 yrs since my first son was there; he and her daughter are good friends. This teacher had been in trouble at a previous school and my friend took a chance and hired her on the understanding there wouldn't be any incidents with parents. Now don't get me wrong, my momma is a teacher, and I am VERY respectful of the occupation; heck I know I couldn't do it. But I didn't know this woman AT ALL and she started off being crappy......I don't like getting people in trouble. I just did not appreciate being treated like a freaking child molester at my kids school in front of them. Ticked me off!
Hi Mandy! I am happy to know your JGs are arriving! Mine have just completed 6 weeks and doing just fine. They certainly eat a lot! In the morning when I go to feed them, they are waiting and chirping that they are hungry. I will post some pics later on this week.
Hi Mandy! I am happy to know your JGs are arriving! Mine have just completed 6 weeks and doing just fine. They certainly eat a lot! In the morning when I go to feed them, they are waiting and chirping that they are hungry. I will post some pics later on this week.

Please do! You can be sure I will put pics up of the new babies tomorrow! I ordered 25 little monsters so I can only imagine what they are gonna eat every day!
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