
Why am I telling you all this.  Because I did not have the privilege of a public school myself growing up.  I was raised in the jungles of Central and South America and my mom taught me with whatever books she could get her hands on.  I also had a learning disability as a child that I had to learn to overcome (dyslexia).  In spite of all this, at age 14 I was a certified Malaria microbiologist at an outpost clinic in the Amazon jungle, where I saved many lives.  The most valuable thing my mother ever taught me was reading comprehension. She always said, "Son, I am sorry I cannot offer you the best education, but if you can learn to read and understand what you read, you can learn anything you want and do anything anyone else can.  I have instilled this same confidence in my children and they too are very successful in their lives.
And she was absolutely right! I've observed all my life those who love to read, and those who never read. Guess which group succeeds? It's not innate intelligence that enables the reader to read better, it's that the non-reader never had it drilled in him or her. Giving children interesting/fun books to read as soon as they're able and encouraging reading will help them all their lives.

Red says "can I come in too?"
I think her parents did her a disservice since they made it very clear to all (including the daughter) that she was just too bright and special to lower herself to a public/private school education. Home schooling was not her down fall. Her parents giving her an unrealistic view of her position/value in the world did.


I agree with you on this. Unfortunately, this mentality is not a condition that is exclusive to home schoolers. It is a mentality that has permeated ever corner of American society. It is propagated by society in general and has become so prevalent that book are being written about this social phenomenon. I could try to explain it but I the article I posted a while back explains it very well. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/wait-but-why/generation-y-unhappy_b_3930620.html

As the director of a life counseling center for the past 6 years, I have worked with hundreds of people from a cross section of the American society and that almost every single person I have dealt with demonstrated some sort of narcissistic entitlement minded tendency that has lead them to lead a self destructive lifestyle. Personally, I have always believed and taught my kids that we are equal and that we have a choice in life to be a victim of our circumstance or victorious over it.
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Personally, I have always believed and taught my kids that we are equal and that we have a choice in life to be a victim of our circumstance or victorious over it.

But we're not all equal it's impossible! Someone's got to be on the bottem and someone's got to be the top! It just don't work this everyone is equal and special **** it why we are in the predicament in today's society we are! It's YOUR actions and the way YOU live your life that makes the difference!! societies not gonna change unless we do!
But we're not all equal it's impossible! Someone's got to be on the bottem and someone's got to be the top! It just don't work this everyone is equal and special **** it why we are in the predicament in today's society we are! It's YOUR actions and the way YOU live your life that makes the difference!! societies not gonna change unless we do!

Not sure if you are disagreeing with me. When I say we are all equal, I just mean that we are all born naked and illiterate and we each have difficulties and obstacles to overcome. But we all have the choice to let our condition dictate our furture or choose to decide who we will become. If you don't believe me, you need to watch Nick Vujici.

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Not sure if you are disagreeing with me. When I say we are all equal, I just mean that we are all born naked and illiterate and we each have difficulties and obstacles to overcome. But we all have the choice to let our condition dictate our furture or choose to decide who we will become. If you don't believe me, you need to watch Nick Vujici.

Sorry I read that wrong! :)
l finally got a working keyboard again! Yay. Thanks everyone for the compliments on the pic. I love everyone else's also. I hope one of us gets a free calendar.

I wanted to give some small advice for those looking to get bees. I have three hives and all the stuff for a biz. I also wanted to get into selling honey, soaps, and candles. I used to be fearless as a child catching them in my hands when trying for butterflies. Never stung and never scared. Now in my older years I have been stung right between the eyes while driving 70mph down highway, in my shirt in the franklin mountains, and under my arm while merchandising plants in a garden center. All random events that has I guess made me a little fearful.

When I met the man to purchase them he was suited up and I was not. He walked over and handed me a full slide of honey to feel how heavy it was. Bees crawling all over it! I picked it up and smugly thought to myself........ cool...... I got this.......no problem. So fast forward almost three years later and I have only suited up twice and have yet to collect the honey. I know in one hive alone that there is over 70lbs of honey. You can still get stung through the suites, they are VERY hot, and bulky. I hate it. It is just not my thing as irritating as that is...... well it is what it is.


This man is neighbor of ours. The news crew came out after his second attack. The first time he was stung over a thousand times and can not run. The pool was the only thing that saved him. The second time three hundred got him a few weeks later. After this I kinda wanted to sell my bees. We then found out about the new tax exemptions for hives, so hubby wants to keep them. I have several really great books on organic bee keeping. Reading is not doing.

Long point short. If you have not been with 60,000 bees or more under your face before, I would encourage you to find a local bee keeper and suit up with them to see if you enjoy it. If it is not a pleasant experience for you, then you could end up like me and making up every reason in the world to not tend to them.

Erikk had some great advice. Jungle and Jajean those stories are crazy, glad you guys made it out of that alive.

Ok, I am going to go collect honey now......... never mind I have missing socks to find and other very important things.

Red says "can I come in too?"

Ahh that's cute! I had a silkie rooster one time come into the house and did not know until I heard a huge ruckus. I turned around to see that he had found a mirror and was giving it hell. He tried coming back in for weeks after that just to go find that roo behind the wall again.
I agree with you on this. Unfortunately, this mentality is not a condition that is exclusive to home schoolers. It is a mentality that has permeated ever corner of American society. It is propagated by society in general and has become so prevalent that book are being written about this social phenomenon. I could try to explain it but I the article I posted a while back explains it very well. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/wait-but-why/generation-y-unhappy_b_3930620.html

As the director of a life counseling center for the past 6 years, I have worked with hundreds of people from a cross section of the American society and that almost every single person I have dealt with demonstrated some sort of narcissistic entitlement minded tendency that has lead them to lead a self destructive lifestyle. Personally, I have always believed and taught my kids that we are equal and that we have a choice in life to be a victim of our circumstance or victorious over it.

Ahhhhh...... yes....... "Be the change you want to see". As far as narcissistic personalities, that is why I shut my facebook account down. I got really sick of seeing that side of people and the potential of worse from myself. I think social media is a great learning and sharing tool for some. For me, I can't be found on face book, no you can't follow me on twitter, and I will never own a T.V. It is very sad what todays youth calls entertainment. I some days wish a giant EMP would wipe out all gadgets and kids could have a chance at "real life" again, not a fake sexually violent charged entertainment industry to fill their minds full of plastic.

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