
okay opening myself to opinions........ I don't like dark. I have mobility issues and can't outrun scary things. I was thinking of putting a few of those inexpensive solar lights right around the coop. Thinking of a twofold benefit- I can see better and maybe provide some light to help with winter laying. Runnin electricity out there is not an option at this time

I think that's a good option. I know the ones I've seen don't provide a large amount of light IMO for laying, but def enough to move around. But I think it's a total doable option.
okay opening myself to opinions........ I don't like dark. I have mobility issues and can't outrun scary things. I was thinking of putting a few of those inexpensive solar lights right around the coop. Thinking of a twofold benefit- I can see better and maybe provide some light to help with winter laying. Runnin electricity out there is not an option at this time
I use them...
I just found a great deal on dried mealworms. I have been going to Lowes, because their 7 oz cup was $7, so a much better deal than TSC's 10 oz container for $15. Well, apparently the company that was supplying Lowe's with those cups has decided on bigger packaging! A 20oz bag for $15!!! That's almost 3 cups worth for 2/3's of the price. I've cut back on the amount of worms my flock gets, because with 45 of the buggers, they go through an entire cup in one treat session, and that gets expensive on a regular basis.

I didn't know you could get mealworms at lowes! Which section are they in? :) thanks
I just found a great deal on dried mealworms. I have been going to Lowes, because their 7 oz cup was $7, so a much better deal than TSC's 10 oz container for $15. Well, apparently the company that was supplying Lowe's with those cups has decided on bigger packaging! A 20oz bag for $15!!! That's almost 3 cups worth for 2/3's of the price. I've cut back on the amount of worms my flock gets, because with 45 of the buggers, they go through an entire cup in one treat session, and that gets expensive on a regular basis.

You are so good to your birds! You know you can raise them in a small tote, they are cheap and easy to feed, you will have a never ending supply of live ones. Which they REALLY like. I would even feed them to my guys when they were in their beetle form.
The rain was heavy enough to over run the creek next to my ranch; water ran over the road .. dangerous sign. It also filled up my retention pond. On the fence ya'll can see the Nite Guard light I tie there to keep predators away.

We are flooded out in sertain places down here. Roads are blocked and causing traffic (got 5 inches). My sister was in an accident whre someone hit her from behind, but she is ok, very shookin up and probably hurtting tomorrow, but it ok.

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