
So, I open up my school email and there is an email from the Spanish teacher...she has forwarded to me an email that was sent to everyone in her neighborhood. This email was from a woman who said her daughter had lost interest in raising chickens and would anyone be interested in the two chickens and the coop and feed, ect.
Funny that the Spanish teacher would forward this to me and a testament to my sanity...I called the lady and inquired about the chickens.
When husband caves and lets me get some chickens I would love to try to get some hatching eggs from MJA - her birds are awesome! He thinks I don't have enough time to take on a project (... ok so true) ...dang it...
Thanks, they have really come along nice this last year. We have some varieties that need work but hope to hatch lots of chicks this year coming and make more progress.
Newbie question...  Here in the Houston area, what kind of slow-down in chicken egg laying is normal over these winter months? I'm seeing a slight reduction, a friend near by is seeing a big reduction, both of us have Ameraucanas?

I have noticed this year my second year hen the ones that did a hard molt have really slowed down. The young one are laying like they no no difference. I think the molt in their second year makes a big difference maybe hormones?? I dunno. Just a thought..I live in Dayton outside of Houston.
Just got back from my ranch. I was there from noon till about 8pm. The weather was right at 40F and my god, i felt so warm like near 60. I couldn't believe that all the chicken took the weather so well with no sickness. Only 1 got killed about 4am this morning when coyote got in. My partner ran out , fired a shot and missed. So this week, the weather is no longer a factor, only the coyote.

Lisa must be sleeping now so she can wake up early tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.
I have noticed this year my second year hen the ones that did a hard molt have really slowed down. The young one are laying like they no no difference. I think the molt in their second year makes a big difference maybe hormones?? I dunno. Just a thought..I live in Dayton outside of Houston.
That would explain a lot. Thanks for the information! :)
Good morning Texas! 10 more school days for this girl! Well I'm acquiring two more chickens and a coop this weekend. Can't believe this. I don't need the four chickens I have right now. Much less 2 more. I'm not even sure what breed they are, only that they are hens. About the same age as the ones I have now. Since they are coming with their own coop there shouldn't be a huge problem with bullying. Fingers crossed. I've truly lost my mind:he
Hi all I dont post much but i read this thread several times a day :) i have a question, something is living under our shed and i need some suggestions on what to bait the trap with? not sure what it is the dogs have been going nuts and haven't been sprayed so assuming its not a skunk:) thanks

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