
Hi all I dont post much but i read this thread several times a day :) i have a question, something is living under our shed and i need some suggestions on what to bait the trap with? not sure what it is the dogs have been going nuts and haven't been sprayed so assuming its not a skunk:) thanks

I doubt if it's a coon. It is probably a rabbit, a rat or a possum or snake. You can use an apple or a raw ear of corn if it's a rabbit...they love those and it will work for a possum too. A rat will eat anything, but some chicken feed would work. For a snake, that's going to be harder so I would try the other things first and see what you come up with. I would be careful because raccoons love corn, too.
thanks I hope its a rabbit :) those are at least cute! I can deal with cute the others well :( i would have to leave them for my husband to deal with. I put peanut butter in the trap hopefully i wont catch my dogs with it I have 3 very small pomeranians that can fit in the trap :)
Good morning! It was finally above freezing yesterday and most of the night I think. It's dropped now. It is a real mess here still and school is out once again today.

I've been hearing the wood chipper trucks all morning. There are so many broken and damaged trees here.

Speaking of broken, my hot water heater went out Saturday. Not storm related. The plumber will be here soon. I will be paying him instead of getting a new oak for my front yard. I'd rather pay for a tree, but I need hot water more.

Hope everyone stays nice and warm today. I'm waiting for the normal weather to return. Sunshine would be nice too!
Hi all I dont post much but i read this thread several times a day :) i have a question, something is living under our shed and i need some suggestions on what to bait the trap with? not sure what it is the dogs have been going nuts and haven't been sprayed so assuming its not a skunk:) thanks

It could be a squirrel. Same baits work. Squirrels are running on our property right now.
We have several squirrels in the trees in the yard so that is a possibility I hadnt thought of that. I always think of squirrels as up in the trees. im really hoping its something not scary or stinky to deal with. I can handle most things but i dont want to be sprayed. :( I haven't noticed any trouble with the chickens so that makes me hopeful that its not an opossum or a coon or skunk
We are in South Austin trying to keep all our three-month-olds warm. Since 4 out of 5 are boys, that means separate quarters, and they can't share with the sole hen any more either--someone pecked her face so I had to bring her in and nurse her back to health. Fine now, but still living in the second half-bath and only getting to socialize for an hour or so a day when I can hold her on the couch covered with newspaper. She's pretty good about pooping on the paper. This can't go on-- I continue to search for decent homes for any of these gorgeous boys!

Guess who might get to buy that new tree after all!

The plumber came and got the water heater to light. Apparently you don't follow the directions and do it differently. It is working now and hopefully will stay that way. There is a chance it won't stay lit after the it is done heating the water. If that happens I need a new burner. The heater is under warranty but I would have to pay the plumber to install it.

Here is the great news. He did not charge me for what he did today. :)

And on another note. Check out this guy's paintings.
Guess who might get to buy that new tree after all!  

The plumber came and got the water heater to light.  Apparently you don't follow the directions and do it differently.  It is working now and hopefully will stay that way.  There is a chance it won't stay lit after the it is done heating the water.  If that happens I need a new burner.  The heater is under warranty but I would have to pay the plumber to install it.  

Here is the great news.  He did not charge me for what he did today. :)

And on another note. Check out this guy's paintings.  

Isn't it awesome when you get news like that? Nice to know that there are good guys out there who still believe in honesty.
Isn't it awesome when you get news like that? Nice to know that there are good guys out there who still believe in honesty.
I have a whole list of people like this who do work for me. I will frequently get charge a reduced rate or not at all. I am blessed. :)

For those in the N. TX area I will share my plumber and electrician's names with you if you would like. Good, honest people that do quality work.
My Christmas project (my family is doing "handmade gifts") is coming along....kinda. I have had limited experience using a jig-saw so I did the best I could cutting the pieces for the garden baskets I'm making. They are going to look "homey" to say the least.

We were trying to get away from the "exchange gift cards" that we've been doing for years. There is only one child (niece) on my side of the family and she is still getting store gifts and/or gift cards...she is almost 11 and it's hard to buy for that age!

Are any of y'all doing anything different this year for Christmas gifts?

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