

Found this during midday butt checks.
Not a great picture but my "bully" EE has a bubble under her skin... I know this is something but I cant find the post...

From what I found, with no background knowledge personally at all, it might be an air bubble under the skin, an infected umbilical cord, or a full crop, but that would probably be in the neck area......
From what I found, with no background knowledge personally at all, it might be an air bubble under the skin, an infected umbilical cord, or a full crop, but that would probably be in the neck area......

Its air under the skin all right...its filled up the chicks entire side..seems like..i dont know? Maybe a punctured lung? This poor batch of chicks. They cant catch a break, I feel awful!
Sorry Im posting so much by the way. I wasnt expecting all these concerns
Its air under the skin all right...its filled up the chicks entire side..seems like..i dont know? Maybe a punctured lung? This poor batch of chicks. They cant catch a break, I feel awful!
Sorry Im posting so much by the way. I wasnt expecting all these concerns

Don't you be sorry for posting! I think what you are going through is really awful and it is nice to have chicken lovers who understand to offer you support.

I've never heard of so many losses, and I really don't believe you are doing anything wrong. Believe me, when hatcheries send out their thousands and thousands of chicks, there might be one loss here and there, not 50%. Steel yourself to losing them all. I once had a chick that was wouldn't eat. It would drink if I gave it water. I kept it alive for days by hand feeding it and sugar water. I really should have just euthanized it. Don't feel bad if you don't go to great lengths to try to keep them going. I believe, if I remember correctly from what my friend an avian vet wrote to me about the symptoms, it was believed that the chick had developed an infection through the umbilical cord. It happens,and with losing so many, I think there is a sanitation problem at the hatchery. Call them and tell them everything and ask what you can to try to save the birds you have left. I don't believe that kind of infection is contagious.
Building an a-frame chicken tractor with anticipation of purchasing 3-4 backyard birds. Looking for a breed (mixes are fine) that are good laying dual purpose chickens that are hardy for Texas weather. Urban environment so no roosters & not breeding... just laying.I 'm looking for opinions from actual Texans since my online research gives extremely varied results... Thoughts? P.S. I'm in Central Texas specifically
I am in the Cibolo area and I have a variety of chickens. My flock includes Barred Rocks, Cochin, Americaunas, Delaware, Red Sexlinks, Silver Laced Winedots, White Rock, Silkies and an old Turken roo that I can't bear to part with. All of mine do fine in the summer. I always make sure they have fresh water every day.
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Good Morning Fellow Texans!

40 degrees and clear out. So far there isn't any wind!

Brookshire11, I am so sorry for the losses you are incurring. That is terrible. JaJeanPierre is right. You need to contact the hatchery and tell them what is going on. Do not let them put a guilt trip on you. You haven't done anything wrong.

Have a great weekend!

Lisa :)
Well, one of the dogs dug under the chicken fence again! I caught him in the act. We have not been letting the two groups left alone (dogs in unless we are out) but as my son was cleaning the backyard he came in NAND it took 10 min for us to remember the dogs were out. Our golden dug under the fence and had one hen pinned. I found no feather loss or visible wounds on either hen. But the one he had pinned can stand but seems to fall when walking. I can't tell if it is a wing or leg. Should I just wait and hope it heals? She is eating and alert.

And just after they were laying eggs again! Ugh. I'm considering an electrified fence. Any suggestions, as getting rid of either group isn't an option?
Goodmorning It's going to be a great day. Roast and veggies in the oven, kids coming out later to check out the new toy and they don't know in yet, but they are going to help me set up an antique bedroom set my mother - in - law passed down to us when she moved in with her daughter and had no room. It was my husband's grandmother's. I hope it all fits in my Mom's room. She will love it.
Have a great day everybody.
Well, one of the dogs dug under the chicken fence again! I caught him in the act. We have not been letting the two groups left alone (dogs in unless we are out) but as my son was cleaning the backyard he came in NAND it took 10 min for us to remember the dogs were out. Our golden dug under the fence and had one hen pinned. I found no feather loss or visible wounds on either hen. But the one he had pinned can stand but seems to fall when walking. I can't tell if it is a wing or leg. Should I just wait and hope it heals? She is eating and alert.

And just after they were laying eggs again! Ugh. I'm considering an electrified fence. Any suggestions, as getting rid of either group isn't an option?
The chicken may have a broken bone or she may be terrified. Time will heal. Dog always excites about chicken and will bite them unless he been raised with them since puppy.
So , can a chicken literally have the egg scared out of her? This is what I found after the dog dug under the fence.

It clearly looks like an egg shell, but very soft.


So , can a chicken literally have the egg scared out of her? This is what I found after the dog dug under the fence.

It clearly looks like an egg shell, but very soft.

Here are some clearer pics. But I keep reading you can't scare the egg out of a chicken. What in the world is this then?

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