
Have any of you checked out the "Baby Chick Pictures" thread.
They are soooo cute. Soooo darn cute. I can imagine the effect it is having on chicken math.

check it out.
That is one thread for me to stay away from. I'm having a hard enough time not going to the feed stores to pick up a few fuzz balls.

I also lost my barred rock chick today:(
I am so sorry.
I also lost my barred rock chick today:(

I'm so sorry that happened!
Any idea what happened?

I just watched the weather and their calling for a chance of rain/freezing rain/sleet tonight. I live in East Texas, we don't usually have this much frozen weather here. *sigh* I'll be so glad when all this mess is over with. I need to finish painting my coop so I can move my babies out there.

I hope everyone has a great day! Stay warm and safe out there!
Oh my, my heart melted when I checked to see if my girls all made it into the coop and the doors closed. Princess came running out of the coop and squatted right in front of me. So I gave her some scratches and picked her up for a hug. Then I had to toss her in the coop before the door closed. I should have held her longer and reopenned and closed the door for her. She is getting so attached to me and I to her. Funny cause she use to irritate me with her loud voice.
I have an Ameracauna that I raised from a baby along with another one. One is black and the other white, Ebony and Ivory. They were so wild even with me handling them every day. Ebony is now my little shadow. She follows me everywhere. If I bend down she will squat so I will pet her or pick her up. I love her. Ivory is still as wild as ever.
Good Morning Everyone!

We don't have ice, just mucky mud and rain. SIGH..... I do have some small branches down and a big branch is barely hanging on in the pine tree.

Opinions please: As you know I have two hens left, Lena (australorp) and Droopy (barred rock). Yesterday Lena and Droopy finally came out of the coop into the outer pen. They were eating a bit better. Lena looks like she is perking up and actually laid me an egg yesterday. Droopy hasn't laid an egg since the first dog attack 3 years ago. Yesterday, they acted like they wanted out of the pen. I let them out and they weren't out an hour before they went back into the coop. I know you aren't suppose to put human emotions to them, but it really looked like they were looking for the other chickens. Anyway Droopy is still being quiet and barely eating. Lena was out this morning in the outer pen pecking around. Do you think it would perk them up if I got chicks? Do you think they would care for them?

Lisa :)

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