
Good afternoon Texas!!!

I have a question for y'all.

Do any of you get birds based on their heat tolerance? I am near Crockett in East Tx and it gets very hot. I am about 1/3rd finished with my coop/run. It is 10X25 and will be roofed with left over barn roofing. 1/2 inch hardware cloth all around. I also will be using heavy duty tarps on all sides except the southeast, so they will provide shade also. I will also be using electric poultry netting to allow the birds to range too!

Appreciate all the help!!!!

I started out that way. Not sure if what I ended up with (on my list) was only that though. I took egg production into account as well. Egg color too. My Pet Chicken has a list of good breeds for the heat.

You mean it never gets better???

I'm 24 and I'm pretty sure I still cause my mom some grief..but I haven't lived with her in awhile.
Can't clean with 'em, can't live without 'em!
You are just 2 years older than my oldest!

You said that four letter word that keeps holding me back from everything I'd LIKE to be doing... unfortunately, these bills don't pay themselves!
+1 for me too!

Here is another recipe to share. I believe these will be made tomorrow. Or tonight. Best flavour combo ever!

edit: I added the waterer to my order from Premier.
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Is this the cup you are talking about? 
sorry been working and havent been on much. To answer your question no thats not the cups the ones i have are ones that thread in to pvc and they have a little yellow tab that the chickens peck at which causes the water to be released. Its a gravity feed system. Hope this makes sense :)
I'm a bad influence?! Who wasn't getting chicks until next spring that has now ordered chicks? I am getting pullets. He is sexing them for me. I'll have to wait on the Olive Egger. Maybe I will get some eggs for my silkies to hatch. Oh, have you seen the red silkies?
I may be getting 3 after all. uh oh!

I don't know when you can tell them apart. I'm sure a trained eye could. I can just tell you they are chicks at this point. ;)
In a good way! lol.
Are the Red the Partridge Silkies?
I need to stay off that site...there's no way I could justify an $85 Partridge Orp...although they're beautiful!
I may need to start saving..look at those Lavendar Orps too!
I think I may just need help for my Orp addiction..

Good afternoon Texas!!!

I have a question for y'all.

Do any of you get birds based on their heat tolerance? I am near Crockett in East Tx and it gets very hot. I am about 1/3rd finished with my coop/run. It is 10X25 and will be roofed with left over barn roofing. 1/2 inch hardware cloth all around. I also will be using heavy duty tarps on all sides except the southeast, so they will provide shade also. I will also be using electric poultry netting to allow the birds to range too!

Appreciate all the help!!!!

Welsummers I think are pretty heat hardy..? And maybe Pheonix and Blue Andulasians? Don't quote me..
I started the same way but ultimately figured I'd go more for temperament and production, and just work a little more to keep them cool. Then I got 2 Silkies which, I know can't be too heat hardy. They're little poodle chickens. Lol.
A lot of people suggest frozen bottles in the run/coop and little kiddie pools.
I know I'll be getting my girls a little pool. If this summer was anything like last summer..maybe I'll jump in there with em

You said that four letter word that keeps holding me back from everything I'd LIKE to be doing... unfortunately, these bills don't pay themselves!

You are just 2 years older than my oldest!

Here is another recipe to share. I believe these will be made tomorrow. Or tonight. Best flavour combo ever!

edit: I added the waterer to my order from Premier.
I know. I'm the youngest person at my job too...lol.
And the youngest of my friends, and husband's friends (he's 29).
I was never much of a young'n though. Never been a big partier, more of a homebody.

And I'm SOOO glad my oven isn't working, with you posting all these desserts...
In a good way! lol.
Are the Red the Partridge Silkies?
I need to stay off that site...there's no way I could justify an $85 Partridge Orp...although they're beautiful!
I may need to start saving..look at those Lavendar Orps too!
I think I may just need help for my Orp addiction..

And I'm SOOO glad my oven isn't working, with you posting all these desserts...
Nope, the reds are red. Kind of like an Irish Setter, but not quite that dark. Partridge is a different colour. I was getting links for my mom so she could see what I am getting and came across the other two colours.

I'll bring treats for our chicken gathering road trip. :p You can eat them while I drive. LOL!
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