
How cute is this?
It came from the EE Bragger thread.
It's one of the lady's chickens giving her a "hug"!


Its just too cute not to share
I agree. That is so cute! She's a pretty hen also. I think 2 of my EE's are going to be a dark partridge color. I also think my chocolate chick is going to be a roo.
I don't know how to copy links to other threads. But recently I started a thread about chicken nipples freezing, it that thread a person responded who has a link to an automatic pop door he has made. Sounded simple to make and I plan on do this soon myself. it is operated by using a car radio antannea (sorry about the spelling there).
Where did you get theses beautiful birds? Are there any breeder her in Texas? I LOVE the cockerel, but they are all so pretty.

Jan Joyner at Navidad Ranch was the first breeder in Texas to get Cream Legbars (as far as I know). She got them in October of 2011 as a juvenile pair from Greenfire Farms is Florida ($500 was the going rate for these 4 month old pairs). I got mine in January of 2012 from a shipment of day-old chicks that Samantha Kellerman at AltaVista Ranch won in an action from Greenfire farms. My wife paid $400 for two day old cockerel and two days old pullets (and since have brought in stock from four other breeders/sources I have been working with on the breed). My wife was at Samantha's home before the chicks were even out of the shipping box and got first pick of the chicks. I like to think that she picked the best chicks of the bunch. When we got our Cream Legbars Samantha and Jan were the only other people in the State of Texas with the Breed. A year ago a Cream Legbars club was formed to advance the establishment of the Breed and I was asked by the searching committee to serve as club president. We now have over 100 members and due to the work or Samanatha, Jan, and myself the memberships is very heavily weighted in Texas with 10-15 club members.

I live in Marble Falls, Texas. Flock are now poping up all over the state as more people learn about this breed.
I agree. That is so cute! She's a pretty hen also. I think 2 of my EE's are going to be a dark partridge color. I also think my chocolate chick is going to be a roo.
I'm still figuring out colors on mine.
My EEs are both black/white/gray/beige...lol With some partridge like patterning on the feathers.
I'll have to get some pics of them.
Awwww First Love.
Please take pictures.

Lisa :)

I will try to get a picture of her gawking...I was almost embarrassed for her!

Now mom, you should help her through this stage. It could scar her for life!!!

Lisa :)

I'm more concerned about her giving the rooster a complex! I don't even think she noticed the other new girls because of him. That being said, when we let them out to free range, she took off in the other direction...silly girl!
BaaaaHaaaa bahabaha......ROFLMBO
Yall are cracking me up!!
Which is your North wall? Hopefully it's the wall on the left as you go into your coop. If not, then you may have to put up some walls to block off the winter winds.

I would put my roost up along the wall in the 2nd and 3rd picture. Give them more protection since it's not as open as the other sides. You may have to put a few vents up above the roosts to let out the moist air put out by the chickens. Do you plan on using a poop board or just let it fall to the ground? If a poop board, you can put your brooder under the roost/poop boards.

Are you wanting exterior nests or are you putting them in the coop? Looks like you should be able to put them on that short wall on the left, as you come into the coop.

I put my brooder along my North wall under my poop board (my 2 roosts will go above the brooder). It is 2 ft off the ground and measures 3 ft wide, 10 ft long and 2 foot deep.

There is a 2 foot vent along the top of the North wall and East wall (above my nests). The nests are on the right side, just out of the pic. I made 6 exterior access nests.

Here is my coop/run while under construction. It is 10 ft wide and 20 ft long. I used 2 of my horse stalls to construct it. I made an open air coop due to the summer heat. In the Winter, I can put up tarps along the far (West) wall to block off the wind.

I like that coop! I think it will look very nice in your yard. So glad you going to be able to get some chicks!
Your coop is really looking nice. :) I hope to someday have some land where I can do more things with animals and gardens.

there it is!! Thank you mobile BYC! Lol... Ahem. I present to you, ( the only picture that would download is at 80% completion ) my new breeder coop! Alas, its empty... I should fill it.
It should not be empty. I believe that is a crime.... :p

Ripping off the head & eating the organs is something else, more like a coyote
Isn't that weasels or possums that do that?

Where do you get just a few chicks? I have been looking for a place to order just a small number of chicks and I can't find one. Also, I read that the silkie are not good with heat? Have you had any problem with that?
Try Craig's list.

Well, I have a problem. My hens were laying a month ago, but the weather changed and I assumed they had stopped because there wasn't enough sun. Now, however, I can't tell if maybe it's their diet. I started soaking their feed and they certainly are gaining a little of the weight they lost over the winter. I haven't gotten any eggs, though.

Should I just wait it out? This weekend, I plan on getting more feed and some whole oats to mix together and soak for them as I did last year during. Should I add anything else that may help? They get plenty of layer feed and they free range all day. I can't think of anything other than the weather as being the problem. It's so frustrating and even though I have 2 dozen eggs in the fridge that I'm making my way through, I worry that maybe something I am doing is wrong. I haven't had this issue since lat year when I had barely started taking care of the flock. I feel a little thrown off.
Be careful when adding to their food. You don't want to get ratios off for protein and stuff. Have you thought about doing fermented feed? It's so simple. Put the layer ration in bucket, add dechlorinated water and some Apple Cider Vinegar, with the mother. Stir daily until it smells like sourdough. Check out the threads on here for more info.

I plan on doing deep litter also. I just plan on either raking it off into the floor, or putting the roost poop in a compost bin. I really wanted my brooder outside and in the coop. Under the roost was the best place for it. I can also use it as a separation pen in case one of the chickens get hurt or needs to go in "time out". They will be kept up, but still "in" the flock so there should be no pecking problems when they get out.
I decided to leave the area under the roosts open to the ground so I can do DL better. It will look the same, just won't have a floor to it. I need to figure out perches and such in there still. I brought a huge branch home yesterday that I found on the side of the road. I think it fell off a brush pile on a trailer. :)
I will try to get a picture of her gawking...I was almost embarrassed for her!
He is a beautiful rooster.

I got some painting done on my coop. I had to come in and thaw my feet out. That wind is awful! My wind chimes are just a ringing outside.
I need to paint my house and garage. Too cold for me to be out right now though. That wind is awful!!!
Oh, such a bad day yesterday. Came back from school to the high squeal chirps of little chicks. Went to check on them and realized that the room was cold. Probably 68 degrees. A chick was standing on top of a lifeless sister when I looked in the box. The heater had cycled off and never came back on.

I picked up the chick and held her for a minute to assess her vitals the best I could. Nothing going on, got a different heater and realized there was the slightest movement. Held her in front of the warm air gently stroking her chest to see if that would stimulate her back. Well, after about two hours she opened her eyes and wanted water but was still almost lifeless but definitely breathing. Checked on her every 15 minutes for about 5 hours and then the last time she was gone. What a bummer.

Other two chicks were fine and actually bonded over this. Maybe she was sick when I got her or just not as determined to live. Back to 7 hens
Jan Joyner at Navidad Ranch was the first breeder in Texas to get Cream Legbars (as far as I know). She got them in October of 2011 as a juvenile pair from Greenfire Farms is Florida ($500 was the going rate for these 4 month old pairs). I got mine in January of 2012 from a shipment of day-old chicks that Samantha Kellerman at AltaVista Ranch won in an action from Greenfire farms. My wife paid $400 for two day old cockerel and two days old pullets (and since have brought in stock from four other breeders/sources I have been working with on the breed). My wife was at Samantha's home before the chicks were even out of the shipping box and got first pick of the chicks. I like to think that she picked the best chicks of the bunch. When we got our Cream Legbars Samantha and Jan were the only other people in the State of Texas with the Breed. A year ago a Cream Legbars club was formed to advance the establishment of the Breed and I was asked by the searching committee to serve as club president. We now have over 100 members and due to the work or Samanatha, Jan, and myself the memberships is very heavily weighted in Texas with 10-15 club members.

I live in Marble Falls, Texas. Flock are now poping up all over the state as more people learn about this breed.
I'm geting mine from Shutt'er Down Ranch in Princeton Texas. They know who you are Curtis. If you were closer I'd pick mine up from you. I can't breed mine though. Maybe I will get eggs to hatch out though. I want to do that with Buckeyes too.
I'm still figuring out colors on mine.
My EEs are both black/white/gray/beige...lol With some partridge like patterning on the feathers.
I'll have to get some pics of them.
You have been lacking in the photo department. ;) Get some of the silkies too. :)
I've been hand feeding meal worms to my 5-week old Ameraucana chicks. Now, instead of running away from the monster hand that descends into their brooder they run to it biting like little velociraptors. They fly up to my face if the cover is off. Last night I was showing my husband one that was perched on my finger like a little parrot when s/he spotted the tie from the hoody I was wearing. The little dinosaur dove down, grabbed hold of that thick tie and would not let go flying around my face. It was really funny. I feel sorry for anything alive those little carnivoes find. I'll be sure not to trip in their pen when I finally do get them outside.
@ Harley ~ How are your turkeys coming along? They were getting big in the last pics you

They are getting so big and wanting out of the brooder. They are trying to fly out of it all the time. But that has to do with one of my daughters coming in when I am in bed and taking him out of the brooder to hold a pet him for an hour or so a day. She can walk in and say some thing and he starts flying trying to get out to her. I have had thin now for a little over 2 weeks and they are now about 5 times the size they was when I got them. The are white board breasted turkeys they grow very fast. I think they Mature at 14 to 18 weeks. They are about 3 weeks old now.

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