
I was outside and seriously taking inventory of my chickens and I need to become unattached to a few...

Anyone in the Odessa area want to come by and take a look? I still have a number of chicks from our hatchery surprise that I don't know what they are and I don't want to list them on craigslist without being able to tell people what they are...Most of the chicks are a month old tomorrow, with some being 2 months.

Privett, bantam hatch 2-24

cackle, 3-3

Ideal EE cockerel, 2-5

cackle, 3-3

cackle, 3-3 with a few privet bantams in there...

cackle, 3-3 also w/a few bantams

cackle, houdans, 3-3

cackle, polish 3-3

There are so many more that A) I don't have pictures of them all B) that would be a ton of pictures to post!

I know what a few of the more obvious ones are, cochins/silkies/austral whites. I guess I just need to break down and list them in group pictures and let people buy at their own risk. I'm also having a hard time deciding who I want to keep...but I set eggs to hatch on Monday, it is my first hatch so there's no guarantee that will hatch but if they do...I'm in trouble!

OH! I can't forget my favorite guy! I'm selling him too...

Ideal, 2-5, I'm 99% sure its a white leghorn bantam.

They are adorable.  I would be outside with them all the time!

:frow Welcome from Rosenberg!  You will absolutely love this forum.  We have some of the nicest people on here.  Pay no attention to the man in black (his initials are HARLEY).  ;)   We do love pictures and we are GREAT on enabling.

I have this weird effect on guys!  They love to pick on me, must be because I am only 5'1"!!  I will have my hands full with him and Hung!

I hope your husband feels better today.  Sneak some chicken noodle soup in on him!

HARLEY!!!  :gig   Have you noticed that I am one of the worst ones NOT to post pictures. 

Lisa :)

Yes, Lisa-you just want to see everyone else's pics!!! And I'm glad you ask cause I love the little fuzzy butts!
Some of the babies :)

Don't worry if their feet appear orange for a few weeks or have white-tipped toes. Another thing not to worry about as babies are white primary feathers. That is really common with the blues and the blacks in this breed. They are supposed to go away at some point. I have yet to grown out any with those white primaries--growing out only one blue last year. My current group has a lot of white primaries, so I will see how they develop.
Can't wait to get my own....

Ms Jellybean, since you have no idea when you will be able to get your chicks why are you still contacting breeders and making arrangements to get chicks? You have gone back on your word for so many chick orders I've lost count. Let me see if I have it right: Silkies, Cream Crested Legbars, Gamesandmore's Ameraucanas, at least two sets of Marans. Now Olive Eggers.

When you contact a breeder they go to a lot of effort to get back to you. When you contact them with no intention of buying, you are just wasting their time. I've been involved in show dogs for a few decades in the past. I and other breeders got really were annoyed when people would reserve a pup and then not follow through.

Personally I don't think you have or ever had any intention of getting chickens and are just enjoying your fantasy here on the Texas forum. I'm done with wasting my time answering any of your queries. I hope you prove me wrong because you could be an asset to the forum.
well I picked up the chickens from shewatson
Want to say they got to their new home just fine. Want to thank you so much the wife is happy now. Here is a few pics of them in their new place.
Originally Posted by Jomini
Marshall Texas, I'm brand new to chicken raising ... Love it so far ...Mine are only two and half weeks old......I have 2 Cuckoo Marans, 2 Ameraucanas, 2 Barnevelders, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 Golden laced Wyadonette , 1 Columbian Wyadonette ...

Welcome both of you! Great thread with lots of enablers. Not good if your wanting to start slow!

Good morning my fellow Texans!

Yesterday I was able to let my chickens out of the coop for the first time into their run. Let's just say they were a little apprehensive. Only 1 brave soul ventured out by herself. There was a curious Guinea though. It was already 5pm or so when I finally got the human door, chicken door, and waterer mounted so they really didn't have much time any way. I dropped the door open this morning so I am fully expecting at least some of them to be outside when I get home.

Mine didn't know what to think they first time they were out of their brooder. Now they line up at the door just waiting for me to let them out every morning. Some don't even use the ladder to get down, they just fly on down. :)

Trying these out today. I've been seeing a lot of cookie recipes made with cake mix so I thought I would give them a try.

I can hear someone's chickens. Not sure which neighbour it is, they also have a rooster. :) I love that I can have the windows open and hear all the birds chirping - even the chickens. Can't wait to get my own....
You'll like those cookies. We've made cake cookies for years. You can use any of the cake flavors with any combo of "add ins". My favorite is the Devil's Food mix, with white chocolate chips. I don't like white chocolate, but love it in the mix as cookies.

I've been painting on my 2nd roost, trying to get it finished up and installed. Put up the rest of my cinder blocks for my raised garden. Plan on getting some more this weekend. Thinking I will make it 2 blocks high this year, then add to it as I put in my DL from the coop.

This was on my back porch yesterday. I had to look it up to see what it was. The colors were really stunning.
It's a Rainbow Scareb Beetle. Only the males have the long single horn. It was really pretty in person. I've never seen one around here before.

Calling for rain here today. Hope we get some. This pollen is getting to be too much. Everything is green! Even the dirt is green!
Good day folks...been trying to rain a bit this morning. Was really wanting to give my little gang a chance to get their feet on the ground today. I'm hoping the sun will come out later. We've been trying to get some other work done around here. The grass is so high in my dogs' yard all I can see is their tails...lol...Cut down a ton of bamboo yesterday. Don't ever start that stuff...you'll NEVER get rid of it.

Love those little fuzzy butts!

Gonna get a couple of buddies for our little hatchling. It was the last one the other egg was a dud :(
Can't keep Belle from slinging litter into the water and food, little guy was so thirsty cause she had buried the water with chips.

Has anyone tried the small animal water bottles with the little ball in the tip for chicks? Maybe paint the end of it with red polish (not the ball)
Gotta find something better than what I have, don't want them to be thirsty, I have to clean these every couple of hours :(

Well, gotta get back to work, y'all have a great day. Magpie
Ms Jellybean, since you have no idea when you will be able to get your chicks why are you still contacting breeders and making arrangements to get chicks? You have gone back on your word for so many chick orders I've lost count. Let me see if I have it right: Silkies, Cream Crested Legbars, Gamesandmore's Ameraucanas, at least two sets of Marans. Now Olive Eggers.

When you contact a breeder they go to a lot of effort to get back to you. When you contact them with no intention of buying, you are just wasting their time. I've been involved in show dogs for a few decades in the past. I and other breeders got really were annoyed when people would reserve a pup and then not follow through.

Personally I don't think you have or ever had any intention of getting chickens and are just enjoying your fantasy here on the Texas forum. I'm done with wasting my time answering any of your queries. I hope you prove me wrong because you could be an asset to the forum.
Wow! Where did this
come from????
Ms Jellybean, since you have no idea when you will be able to get your chicks why are you still contacting breeders and making arrangements to get chicks? You have gone back on your word for so many chick orders I've lost count. Let me see if I have it right: Silkies, Cream Crested Legbars, Gamesandmore's Ameraucanas, at least two sets of Marans. Now Olive Eggers.

When you contact a breeder they go to a lot of effort to get back to you. When you contact them with no intention of buying, you are just wasting their time. I've been involved in show dogs for a few decades in the past. I and other breeders got really were annoyed when people would reserve a pup and then not follow through.

Personally I don't think you have or ever had any intention of getting chickens and are just enjoying your fantasy here on the Texas forum. I'm done with wasting my time answering any of your queries. I hope you prove me wrong because you could be an asset to the forum.
Whoa...that wasn't nice at all! Really hurtful...just sayin.

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