
We have no cedar trees in our yard. We have chinese tallow, magnolia, pecan & chinaberry trees. Would any of those ashes cause a problem with The Ladies?

Not that I know of. I have done a lot of reading on this, since my girls started this on their own. I didn't want them to hurt themselves. The only thing I found is that cedar, when burned is toxic to them. While it is burning and the ashes left behind. I forget where I read it,but I will do some more research, and find out what I can. Better to be safe than sorry.
Glad to hear Howard had someplace to go while things mellowed out.  What about the guy who wanted Howard + Crested?  Is he no longer interested, or are you still undecided about selling them to him?

Also very glad to hear Ebony laid her egg...Sorry she is hurt.  Hope she recovers quickly.

Howard wouldn't have lived that long had he stayed here. My sister and brother in law came to drop off my new rooster while my hubby and I were soaking Ebony and discussing the hatched for Howard. My sister loves the crested look, my brother in law liked Howard look. So they pretty much brought Howard the time he needs. This guy and I were hashing things out. He mainly wanted the crested, not Howard. At my sister's, my brother in law likes Howard and my sister likes Loudmouth, so each has a champion. And, if they dont work out there, I get the ducks back. It is the agreement we made.
Hi Texas chicken fans been away for awhile now wasn't feeling well and had some bk problems but am bk in the game again!!
I have my first white English Orpington chicks hatching right now!! Am so happy! And finally my silkies r up and laying again!!!

I also have two very nice breeding black silkie roos for sale!

Ooh, where did the white Orps come from?
Hi Texas chicken fans been away for awhile now wasn't feeling well and had some bk problems but am bk in the game again!!
I have my first white English Orpington chicks hatching right now!! Am so happy! And finally my silkies r up and laying again!!!

I also have two very nice breeding black silkie roos for sale!

We need pics!! As soon as you can, We need pics!!
I am not set up for chicks, but am interested in the white orpingtons. Tell me what you know about them.

Someone got bit by the Orpington bug! Lol. Can't blame you, I have some buff Orpington chicks that I love. I also have some black Austrolorps that are suppose to have been bred from Orpingtons. Both have nice fuzzy butts, my daughter says when the wind blows up their skirts they remind her of Marilyn Monroe. Lol
I am not set up for chicks, but am interested in the white orpingtons. Tell me what you know about them.

Uh Oh, if you find yourself into Orps, do NOT look at SD Ranch in Farmersville

They're pricey but they're rarer colors and ohhhhh so gorgeous
It may help that they're a pretty long drive from you.

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