
And I do live in a hot area (West Texas) where daytime temps in July/Aug can reach triple digits.

I think the main conversion areas will be:
much additional ventilation
cut a pop door
install roosts, with a screened poop board/pit
next boxes, perhaps with outside access for gathering eggs
cover wood floor with glasboard or something resistant to moisture/rot
windows with hardware cloth
make sure all gaps are sealed or secured
wire for electricity
@ClovisMan painted his floor and under the roost with this...coating that he painted on. I cant remember what it was called but I think it was a rubber/latex type coating. May be something to look into :) His coop is like a big shed as well.
Well...I lost 3 chicks last night....
No signs of struggle, no spooked birds, nothing.
Sometime between 1pm, when my husband checked on them last, and 5pm when I got home from work, they disappeared.
We've walked all the surrounding blocks..
There was just one chick left, the adventurous one that was brave enough to break from the group and do her own thing.
I'm still hoping they maybe find their way home but...after being out on their own at night..
Oh man...sorry to hear...how old are they? I truly hope you can find them...maybe they are just hiding and will show up when they are hungry.
It probably sounds terrible but I would rather find some evidence than to never know what happened. Hope for the best outcome.
Anyone in the Beaumont area know where I could get some straw to use as bedding? I've asked the couple people I know who have chickens, and they let me know they got theirs from the local feed store, but that store told me they didn't have any. After the good rain we had this weekend, the straw definitely needs to be replaced in our temporary housing/hutch.
Well it looks like we might get a few days of dry weather. Chance of more storms organizing over the weekend. At least we may get some time to regroup and clean up. Headed to town to get shavings and hay. The ditch we dug helped but still got about 3 feet of wet coop bedding to replace. Best thing was the new roof...no rained on chickens this time....hurray!!! They sure were happy this morning getting to go out and get some sunshine...just won't be doing any dust baths for awhlie. Good day to all..magpie
Ok well I'm going to plan B with getting some chocolate egg layers! Plan A was a really good one but divine intervention said no. Hmm brookshire11 was an awesome foster mommy for my marans and leg bar but alas, 3 went missing yesterday from her yard. She's quite upset, but it is what it is and we can't beat ourselves up for things we have no control over. If anyone hears or knows of spmeone up by Tyler that sells marans please let me know. My mom lives up there and I'll be heading there sometime this summer and would be able to pick up some. I'd really like only the age where I can stick em in the back yard.
Can always get geese when you get your own place. Something to look forward too.

What you said reminded me of some people, after I brought home the ducks, a lady was telling her kids "oh look at the little pretty black goose!" I about fell off my chair laughing. There are no black geese, though I wish there was. Anyway, could always tell your mom it's a really big duck... Pekin are actually not much smaller than my geese are.

Hi Startfire669 couldnt find the post from yesterday about ideal, so here is a better photo of the chick.

Hello! I am from Tennessee, and I have a question...

We are considering moving to your state soon, and would love to know what to do for chickens in such an event. I worry after hearing about your drought, and we also have a pair of dogs and horses coming with us and our seven chickens...

Can anyone offer some advice or experience? :)
Hi there! I'm from western NC and I've lived here for a few years now. I've got chickens, geese, ducks and dogs. They have a nice big lot with shade trees. I also have 2 child's pools and several water bowls sitting around. In the summer I make sure they have fresh water at all times. Your dogs should keep predators away. I have done well with mine. Good luck to you.
Hi there. Because of my health problems I am having to find my 2 geese, 2 ducks and 2 chickens a good home. I would preferably like for them to go to someone with a pond or lake. I love this motley crew and hate to part with them but it's getting harder for me to care for them. If you are interested I will send you my # in a pm. I live in the Cibolo area.
Oh man...sorry to hear...how old are they? I truly hope you can find them...maybe they are just hiding and will show up when they are hungry.
It probably sounds terrible but I would rather find some evidence than to never know what happened. Hope for the best outcome.
It doesn't sound terrible. Closure is always nice.
They're 6 weeks. So not too tiny, but definitely not street smart.

Ok well I'm going to plan B with getting some chocolate egg layers! Plan A was a really good one but divine intervention said no. Hmm brookshire11 was an awesome foster mommy for my marans and leg bar but alas, 3 went missing yesterday from her yard. She's quite upset, but it is what it is and we can't beat ourselves up for things we have no control over. If anyone hears or knows of spmeone up by Tyler that sells marans please let me know. My mom lives up there and I'll be heading there sometime this summer and would be able to pick up some. I'd really like only the age where I can stick em in the back yard.
I'll try and stop dwelling on it, I know it doesn't help
It just...I don't get how.
Keep Calm and Carry On..right?

If they we're my own it'd be easier...I'd still be sad but I wouldn't feel like I let you down.

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