
you are soo nice
i yell at people who dump animals on me
I was joking at first and just wanted to see pictures. I also tease my husband about getting more animal and usually he's like "no...nope....no" . This time he threw me for a loop and said "Okay lets do it"..so I had to actually think about it.
He has a soft spot for pits, and runts, so we got a 2-in-1 deal ;)
I got him this morning before work. He's so sweet.

true if it is still giving you problems i can order something else.
I'm sorry I've been dragging my feet on this one! I'll let you know if turkeys are a go or not tonight for sure!
I am so excited! Here in a few hours my pup Phantom and I will be getting private lessons for conformations shows! His breeder had pregnancy issues, was hospitalized and then had to have her baby induced early. I finally got his AKC paperwork sent off, made copies and was trying to enroll him in classes. But their next classes wasnt for another month and a half so was giving up hope that he would ever show. They called and said they had a cancelation today and that Phantom and I could have that spot for private lessons! Yay! We just might get our baby boy in the show ring!

So excited! Wish us luck with our first lesson.
So sorry this happened!! Fire ants are awful! I would love to stake the person/people responsible for bringing them here out in a fire ant mound!
Sorry for your loss...poor babies. That had to have been horrible. I've read where fire ants have killed calves and other big animals just because of the number of ants.

Surprisingly, it wasn't fire ants! There were these big black ants that were all over the animals. I've been bitten by these ants before (my entire foot was swollen for a week) and they are just awful. I kinda wish it were fire ants just so I could explain it away, but I don't know what kind of ant this was or why it actually went out of its way to kill my animals. They looked an awful lot like carpenter ants, but I've never heard of carpenter ants killing and eating large animals.

The boiling water would be the safest way to kill the ants. I have also read that used coffee grounds and live mint plants repell ants, something about the oils keep ants away. My flower garden is completely ant free and I poured my coffee grounds and planted mint there, not sure if one of both is why. But I am taking cuttings of my mint to replant around my coops as ant repellant. Fire ants will attack and kill animals, even a tied dog can be killed by fire ants. I'd recommended boiling the ants multiple times, fire ants colonies can have more than one queen and you have to kill the queens to kill the colony. Then I'd plant mint around the coops, pour down used coffee too if you drink it (it's a good fertilizer and the chickens, ducks and geese don't care for the taste). Other people probably have other advice but that's how I would take care of the situation without risking my flock to poison.
I talked to Dad and he wanted to drop some gasoline in the colony and drop a match. He used to do this way back when he worked at a gin and had to kill colonies around where he worked. Well, he also wanted to find a way to shock the ground to kill the entire colony, but I talked him out of it. Dad and electricity don't mix. Honestly, drowning out ants with boiling water seems to make more sense. I bet if I dropped DE down in the colony, it might help, too.
But DE must remain dry for it to work best. DE would not kill all the ants, and the queens don't leave the colony. The workers bring her food, she stays in a chamber down deep inside the colony. As long as the queen is laying eggs the colony will keep coming back. The queens must die to remove the colony. Putting DE down around a mound would kill many workers, and probably make the colony move. But they might move to somewhere just as bad or worse. It's best to aim to kill the queens and destroy the entire colony.
Hmmm, maybe this electricity thing is something to think about.

The DE is the one of the greatest thing that I have ever purchased from my local feed store. We have been using it on our property as well as our animals for almost 4 yrs now. It really helps keep the Mosquitos down as well after all the rain that we have had. I found out last year that putting 2 tsp in whatever your are drinking twice a day helps with arthritis and allergies.
I'll have to find a big bag at Tractor Supply. I have a 10% off coupon and hopefully it will work. I just wish I could use it in my larger coop. Alas, I'm trying to make the deep litter method work and I don't want to kill all the good stuff in there.
I (Irritable) B ( Bowel) S(Syndrome) - M (Mixed) C(Constipation) D (diarrhea). I am IBS -M which means I have both IBS-C and IBS-D

Yea, I have it too. At least it is not life threating but it sure interferes with a normal social life. Hope you can get some relief. Best wishes, Sourdough
Back from our first private conformation lesson and I am exhausted. I have to run to make my 6 month old puppy hit the proper gait, its only going to get worse when he is full grown! Why did I choose such a big breed of dog to show and breed? I should have picked pugs, then I could just walk around the ring, lol. Now I am measuring my boy for his first show lead, I need it here ASAP. We have another lesson next week and our trainer would like for us to get a show lead to train with. I am definately going to lose weight and get in shape doing this. And stupid me, I thought it would be fun, but it's actually work! Lol.
Hopefully I can get Phantom into a show in the next 2-6 months.

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