
Well, it has been a long time sense I last visited Texas thread. I am here in Terrell, been looking around. Other then mesquitos, can't find fault. I've had some really remarkably good folks cross my path. I had breakfast at a restruant, the other day and someone paied my bill. No idea who it was, can't thank them. Not surprised by Radom acts of kindness in Texas. People here do not need a raise to do things like that. I guess that just how they are raised. What goes around comes around, in this case it is all good.

Tomorrow is Thursday and senior day at the Fair (every Thursday it is old fart day). So I will be down at the Bunker Station on the DART. I am a little apprehensive, never been on a light rail before. But there is a first time for everything. I will be here thru out the fair and will be going very old fart day. Looking forward to the poultry. I also hope some Miniture cattle will be there. I saw several (2) ranches with signs stating miniture cattle. They seem perfect for the grass lands here in Texas. I know Texas wants big, but what about BIG on small. They are so efficient and easier on the land, plus the fattening on grass not corn. I used to like corn feed, but now the meat is lacking character. A Texas Stake tastes the same as Florida, Minnesota, or California, :( I have read a lot about them, I think Texas dose have the oldest Zebu ranch in the USA.

Will I hope to see you there, and it am crossing my figures I get home before dark. I have 2 of my girls traveling with me. They complain if I do not put them to bed before dark. When Ethel hears me lock up after dark I can hear her muttering, otherwise she is quite. They can get very bossy can't they. They do remarkably well traveling. Only when I am on the road to long do the appear upset. (Over 6 hrs driving about 150 miles a day). At first stopping every hour was a frustration for me. Now it is just a day on the road. Gives me time to stretch and look around. Next year I plan to spend a lot more time in Texas, I want to really look around.

Hi all. I've got 2 ducks, 2 geese and 2 chickens that I need to find a good home for. I had to move where I can't have them. They are my pets and it hurts to have to part with them but I have no choice. If anyone is interested and have questions pm me and I will give you my number.
I am thinking about getting some more seed for growing fodder. I recently used a random grass mix from Dollar General. It was rye seed, and another grass seed, but my chickens love it. But I'm thinking I need more nutritious plants for them to eat in the upcoming "winter/fall spell". Any suggestions? I don't want them to be only on feed the whole season.

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