
Buda isn't to far from Georgetown. Do you have any hens other than silkies? How often do they lay? Maybe a silkie or two could fill in my fourth spot (wyandotte, ameraucana, buff orpington).

Sorry I only have a surplus of silkies right now. I rehomed my older hens earlier this year, I'm starting from scratch this year.
I'll be at work for the rest of the evening so sorry for the delay
I am hoping to finish my coop today if the rain holds off long enough. With that being said, i need some inhabitants for my coop! Any recommendations in the austin area? I am looking for Ameraucana, laced Wyandottes, and a couple of other docile good laying breeds. I would like 4 hens total, preferably older than 3 months. I would like to have eggs sooner rather than later, and I don't want to start out with chicks.

Thanks for any recommendations!

Check at Callahan's on South 183. I was very happy with the 4 14 week old Buff Orpingtons I got there.
Found the reason my chicks are disappearing without a trace...




Thank you Blue!! Walked out because everyone was raising cane. He was devouring his third chick.

Took me about ten minutes to find it but persistence pays off!!
This was April 27 last year.

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Took me about ten minutes to find it but persistence pays off!!
This was April 27 last year.

Hey David, Kate told me you might have come to trade day. Sorry you couldn't make it. I was looking forward to meeting you. We had a great time, and my phone is blowing up. My wife told me we are going to do it again in Oct. Maybe we will see you then.
Hey David, Kate told me you might have come to trade day. Sorry you couldn't make it. I was looking forward to meeting you. We had a great time, and my phone is blowing up. My wife told me we are going to do it again in Oct. Maybe we will see you then.

We will meet one day Ken!!! My youngest daughter is moving to Conroe soon so I will have double reason to get down there. Sunday's are hard for me to go anywhere as I have Church till about noon and then just do laundry as it is a day of rest.
We will be glad when we get our house built and get settled in. All in Gods time.

We will meet one day Ken!!! My youngest daughter is moving to Conroe soon so I will have double reason to get down there. Sunday's are hard for me to go anywhere as I have Church till about noon and then just do laundry as it is a day of rest.
We will be glad when we get our house built and get settled in. All in Gods time.


Amen Brother. We may meet sooner than you think. My sister-in-law went and got us 4 americauna chicks. Since I am not set up for chicks yet, she is keeping them until they are old enough to go into a normal coop. She lives in Henderson, and we will travel up there to pick them up. Should be in about 3 to 4 weeks. It will have to be on a Sunday, as that is the only day my wife has a day off from her job.If at all possible, we can stop in and visit in the afternoon.
Amen Brother. We may meet sooner than you think. My sister-in-law went and got us 4 americauna chicks. Since I am not set up for chicks yet, she is keeping them until they are old enough to go into a normal coop. She lives in Henderson, and we will travel up there to pick them up. Should be in about 3 to 4 weeks. It will have to be on a Sunday, as that is the only day my wife has a day off from her job.If at all possible, we can stop in and visit in the afternoon.

That would be fine Ken!! I assure you we will meet; it's just a matter of when.


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