
You're gonna screw up your tail feathers again Ken!!! LOL


It'll be worth it!! Hadn't danced in a while!!
Y'all are killing ! Can't believe you found those pictures David! This time of year we usually get a few biguns. We got one a few days ago just as big, but, the dogs didnt leave enough of it to get pictures.

Got twelve eggs today. Guess I know where theyve been going... hungry snakes! The rest of my girls need to hurry up and lay!!
We only have 2 broilers that I believe to be Cornish X, they are 4.5 wks now and huge compared to the other chicks. From what I have read they should be slaughtered at around 8 wks or they start developing a lot of health issues. May have a few extra roosters that will need to be culled since I went straight run this time around, but they are no where near the size of the broilers. So probably need to wait on those, or caponize them. Which since I believe one of the broilers is a male that would allow us to learn the anatomy on one that is already dead or about to be.

That's the best time from what I have read on the crosses. I haven't raised those myself. I usually just have too many roosters and need to get rid of the mean ones. I haven't done any caponizing but would love to learn. I don't have a problem showing you how to butcher them but after the brain injury my typed words are usually a lot more understandable than my spoken words. I can sort of get hung up when I am talking to someone and trying to explain stuff. Usually the word just seems to vanish from my vocabulary right before I speak it. Lol. I can still show you the anatomy of a chicken inside and out and how to process it properly and sanitary. Our biggest problem would be I can't meet you at your place since I am not allowed to drive yet.

Guess you should know a little more, Lol. In November my DH and I were in a huge wreck that totaled our rig. We were both over the road truck drivers and we sustained brain injuries amongst other injuries. As such we have some interesting problems but we are getting better. We have heard a rumor that we may be graduating out of the brain injury program this week. (YAY!!!!) That just means that we have gained the tools we need to train our brains the right way to heal the rest of the way.
Hey I'm new to all this. I live about 45 minutes west of fortworth in the little town of lipan. I have 8 chicks 2 baby turkeys 4 small ducks and 2 fully grown hens looking to add more and looking for any suggestions on what I need to do to keep a good safe flock.

I'm in Granbury! We aren't that far apart! I agree with what another poster said. Use hardware cloth, much sturdier than chicken wire!
The rain, so far, has continued to pass us by. We could use a little, but I'm not looking forward to getting flooded out again. On the plus side, the hawk that was picking off my hens has migrated on out of here, so my girls are back out in the horse pens doing their job. I hate having to keep them locked up in February/March - they never get caught back up on fly control when they miss those months.

I have plans for a big coop/shed up at the farm (in Pine Valley area). I'm going to build it mostly out of pallets and old horse fence wood. Looks like I'll be doing it mostly by myself, but hopefully can get my brother in law and nephew out to help when it comes time to lift the walls for the second level. (2 pallets high in the back and up to 3 pallets high in the front)
Look what I got for Mother's Day!

Pretty exciting so now we are going to be those crazy neighbors with ducks and chickens in our back yard. Still within the legal limit though so I hope the eggs will keep everyone around us happy.
This building process has been adventure enough. I am cut up from hardware cloth, tired, filthy, and i ran 2 ft. short of hardware cloth. What are the odds of ordering a 50 ft roll and running TWO FEET SHORT!?! Gah!!!! Now I am havin to get creative to cover the top of the run.
Some of the smaller hardware stores sell hardware cloth by the foot. If you decide to take the suggest to get hens in the Brenham area go to Sutherland's on Market St. and they have it there. Although they only had 1/4" in stock on Mon., but 2', 3' & 4' widths. I know there is another Sutherland's in Fredricksburg, and there are a few others but I do not remember in which cities.

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