
Hello all from a newbie near San Antonio. :)

Hi ya!
Hope everyone is surviving this wet weather. So far no major flooding here.

Had to put extra tarps on coops and move the pullets into the hen coop to keep them drier. Fortunately no major squabbles.

Put the construction of new run space on hold until it dries out a bit. Might be able to seed the new area with yummy stuff for them in the mean time.

Saw the posts about The Livestock Conservancy. They do have some good information on their site, but double check it. I have run across some incorrect stuff on the site. Plus be a bit weary of their breeder listing. I know one breed (Golden Guernsey Goat) they have on there with breeders listed is incorrect as there is only one herd of them in the US and they don't sell their does. Any other breeders only have British Guernseys that can never be registered as Golden Guernseys. Plus some breeders are listed as having over 25 different breeds of chickens, which is unrealistic to keep good lines of all of them. So I don't think they have any quality oversight on the site.

Did read recently that the APA will be certifying flocks again. So that will be a good resource in the future for finding quality poultry.

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