
Just wanted to drop in and say "Howdy and Welcome" to all the newcomers to the BYC! I live in Central Texas and be glad to advise All that I can! I have Rhode Island Reds, Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, and Ameraucanas. It's been total enjoyment!
Just got my NPIP. YEAH!
Hello everyone. new to raising chickens. Built a coop with run and have a dozen chicks. A lot of good info on this site. Live just outside of Floresville.
Bengman, we just picked up a dozen chicks from M & T Rabbit and Poultry. He had several different breeds. He has a website and lives outside of Lytle. Really helpful guy.
Does anyone near the DFW area have a rhodebar chick or bielefelder chick for sale? I need some diversity and figure the rooster is the best way to get it. I have a 2011 import bielefelder now and two of his sons. The sons both have cream legbar mothers. :)

If unrelated, I may be interested in rhodebar and/or bielefelder chicks, unless I get a broody sometime soon.

Thank you!

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