
:frow  Welcome from Rosenberg!  What kind of chickens and/or animals do you have?

I have Ameraucana Bantam's and standard but I'm not crazy about the standard.i am giving it a little time to see if the grow on me. and frizzle I love them. but they are a mix flock. I see a hen I like I bring it home and put it with my white frizzle rooster hatch all eggs till I get the frizzle I want out of it.. and I am starting marans this year. but the are alot to learn on them. so we will see on them.
I also have two female goats that were give to me. One was give give to me cause she had hard time delivery. And the other is lamachi milk goat. The one that gave her to me was looking for a home for her that would not eat her and keep her as a pet. And that's me. I told her if I ever breed her. It be with her consent. And I meet it. I have her 3 year now and I don't want to breed her. She just to sweet to take chance on losing her.
Then there my 2 Sebastian geese there both males my female died and I have found one I can afford .do I may never get a female.
Then my ducks
I have Ameraucana Bantam's and standard but I'm not crazy about the standard.i am giving it a little time to see if the grow on me. and frizzle I love them. but they are a mix flock. I see a hen I like I bring it home and put it with my white frizzle rooster hatch all eggs till I get the frizzle I want out of it.. and I am starting marans this year. but the are alot to learn on them. so we will see on them.
I also have two female goats that were give to me. One was give give to me cause she had hard time delivery. And the other is lamachi milk goat. The one that gave her to me was looking for a home for her that would not eat her and keep her as a pet. And that's me. I told her if I ever breed her. It be with her consent. And I meet it. I have her 3 year now and I don't want to breed her. She just to sweet to take chance on losing her.
Then there my 2 Sebastian geese there both males my female died and I have found one I can afford .do I may never get a female.
Then my ducks
metzer farms has female Sebastapols! But, they are 75 a bird but you can get females from them.
You need to get a vet to come check out your flock and figure out what the problem is. Don't just give them random medication with out figuring out what's wrong.

I don't vaccinate my birds - and I also raise ducks, turkeys, etc together with my chickens.

I don't bring in adult birds from other peoples properties. that helps reduce the risk of exposure.

Also, how hot has it been where you are at? Sometimes birds won't drink hot water - I lost 2 of my big roosters during the hottest part of the summer, due to heat stroke, and I know a few other people who did, too.

Marek's is pretty obvious, one of their legs goes limp and they lay down with it behind them like it's dragging. You can't miss that.

You can try putting some apple cider in the water, because that won't hurt them.

Have you checked for pastey butt? Are you losing roosters, hens? Egg bound issues, or egg issues can also cause them to die.... You really need to have a vet come out if you're flock is dying the way you are describing to figure out what the issue is, so you can treat it effectively.

Anything else is guess work -

You can try posting on the incubator thread, Sally and Kathy may be able to help you better.
No pastey butt. I am loosing both hens and roosters. The first 4 that died were 12 weeks old 1 hens and 3 roosters....and the last 2 that have died are both hens and are 8 weeks old. I live just north of Dallas and the high temps have been in low 90s upper 80s. at night it has been getting down to mid 50s. They have a heat lamp on their area and yes they have a large area where they can get away from the heat if they need to. There are no vets in our area that sees chickens. Yes it sux. We are in horse country and that is all they seem to care about around here.
I have Ameraucana Bantam's and standard but I'm not crazy about the standard.i am giving it a little time to see if the grow on me. and frizzle I love them. but they are a mix flock. I see a hen I like I bring it home and put it with my white frizzle rooster hatch all eggs till I get the frizzle I want out of it.. and I am starting marans this year. but the are alot to learn on them. so we will see on them.
I also have two female goats that were give to me. One was give give to me cause she had hard time delivery. And the other is lamachi milk goat. The one that gave her to me was looking for a home for her that would not eat her and keep her as a pet. And that's me. I told her if I ever breed her. It be with her consent. And I meet it. I have her 3 year now and I don't want to breed her. She just to sweet to take chance on losing her.
Then there my 2 Sebastian geese there both males my female died and I have found one I can afford .do I may never get a female.
Then my ducks
What kind of ducks? I have 2 Pekin hens. Love them!
No pastey butt. I am loosing both hens and roosters. The first 4 that died were 12 weeks old 1 hens and 3 roosters....and the last 2 that have died are both hens and are 8 weeks old. I live just north of Dallas and the high temps have been in low 90s upper 80s. at night it has been getting down to mid 50s. They have a heat lamp on their area and yes they have a large area where they can get away from the heat if they need to. There are no vets in our area that sees chickens. Yes it sux. We are in horse country and that is all they seem to care about around here.
If older then 8 weeks, get rid of the heat lamp. They'll be fine as long as they have adequate shelter.
I kick my 4 weeks old outside with out a heat lamp :p they huddle together and are fine. They've survived two rain storms, too LOL

Don't baby them too much once they start getting their feathers, or they'll have a harder time adjusting to the elements. We aren't like Michigan where we get -degree temps in the winter. Even if it snows, as long as they can get out of the snow, they should be okay in a coop. If it has adequate walls/roof.

Ask @Sally Sunshine or @BantyChooks
What kind of ducks? I have 2 Pekin hens. Love them!
I have 3 Peking Ducks 2 females 1 male, and 3 Muscovy Ducks all female.
I'm thinking about Dale the 2 blavk and white ones . But not my chocolate cause she's my favorite one. She friendly. I spoon fed her yogurt and the geese went I got them. so I am attached to them.
And I just can't let them go for some to eat. I know they are raised for food. But not went I care about them.

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