
Found a chicken off riverside drive i Austin TX the day I was moving to my new house. Its starting to crow and my neighbors have been very polite but I am sure it is not appreciated. Let me know if you can give it a home :)
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Found a chicken off riverside drive i Austin TX the day I was moving to my new house. Its starting to crow and my neighbors have been very polite but I am sure it is not appreciated. Let me know if you can give it a home

Looks a bit like an Old English Game - which I have a great female of that breed

.... perhaps you could also post in the OEGB thread and 1). ask if this is an Oegb (maybe the legs are a bit long though? -- anyone know for sure?) -- and perhaps 2). someone in that thread would be interested in taking it off your hands:
Good luck with your quest
It's my understanding trapped animals can not be released in Texas due to spreading rabies and distemper. Another law states you need the permission of the land owner where you release the predator be it on private, state or federal property. I've been told it's against the law to release them. Wildlife Dept. says it's more humane to dispatch them. They don't survive released in a strange area where they don't know the food and water source and are often killed by wild animals that have already claimed the territory. Another thing to think about is you are transferring your problem to other people. No doubt predators are released at a country park very near me and I have to trap and dispatch or my poultry/fowl are killed. If the wild animals aren't kept in check there would be too many so do you duty and put them down. The raccoons are the worst. With all that said I will now admit when I've caught fox or Ringtail Cats I've not been able to dispatch. The fox are to much like cute little dogs and Ringtails are just plan adorable looking, LOL!!! I turned them loose where I caught them in live traps on our property.

Yes, when I checked with the game warden he said I had to kill it. Fortunately, I haven't seen it on the game camera in 2 months. Hopefully it stays gone, I hate to kill it but....my ducks come first!
Hi from Conroe, Texas! Just trying to connect with any breeders & chicken folks closer to home or any suggestions are welcome/appreciated! New to BYC, so still getting comfortable with site so bear with-thanks!
Hi there!! My current flock consists of 16 gals & one roo hatched 11/02; 2 Delaware, 2 SL Wyandotte, 2 NHreds, 1 EE, 2 barred rock, 2 Australorp, 2 buff brahmas, & 2 White/ 2Brown leghorns
ADDING IN FEB.! Black Copper & Splash Marans, Barnevelders, Speckled Sussex, and dark brahma, TRYING to stop from buying more but so hard not too!! I'm hooked!
Hi there!! My current flock consists of 16 gals & one roo hatched 11/02; 2 Delaware, 2 SL Wyandotte, 2 NHreds, 1 EE, 2 barred rock, 2 Australorp, 2 buff brahmas, & 2 White/ 2Brown leghorns
ADDING IN FEB.! Black Copper & Splash Marans, Barnevelders, Speckled Sussex, and dark brahma, TRYING to stop from buying more but so hard not too!! I'm hooked!

Hooked??? That is putting it mildly.
For sure, you have been bitten by 'chicken math'. What an exciting time for you. What are your plans? Good luck!
Haha Yep! I've gone a bit mad on my ordering but I enjoy my birds
I have plans to breed for egg color & feather coloring. My first project will be breading for olive eggers and then separately a project on color for blue laced chicks. Will see where my grand plans go from there lol..
Haha Yep! I've gone a bit mad on my ordering but I enjoy my birds
I have plans to breed for egg color & feather coloring. My first project will be breading for olive eggers and then separately a project on color for blue laced chicks. Will see where my grand plans go from there lol..
sounds similar to mine, minus the Feather coloring.

I have some white leghorns, pullets, that are currently under an EE rooster, that @TexasLisa was kind enough to donate to the cause.

This year, I will be adding a new coop/run, for my blue egg layers, not sure if I'm going with CLB's or Auracanas, or AM's.

If I use AM's and have a black AM rooster, that would work with my current sex link project too......decisions abound.
sounds similar to mine, minus the Feather coloring.

I have some white leghorns, pullets, that are currently under an EE rooster, that @TexasLisa was kind enough to donate to the cause.

This year, I will be adding a new coop/run, for my blue egg layers, not sure if I'm going with CLB's or Auracanas, or AM's.

If I use AM's and have a black AM rooster, that would work with my current sex link project too......decisions abound.

Love it! Well I'm looking to add some nice EE's, of course Auracanas if I can get my hands on some?! I want the rainbow basket, my dream
. Sounds silly to some but I love the variety.. First will be my Black copper marans x EEs & Splash Marans, want my olive eggs lol
and the splash will give me the blue copper marans babies I want.. So many options.. Awesomeness!!

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