
thanks here is my coop do I really need separate run for chicks or the set up I have ok to introduce chicks
thanks here is my coop do I really need separate run for chicks or the set up I have ok to introduce chicks

Integration has a lot of variables. One of them is the difference in the ages and sizes of the chickens. Another variable is the breeds and personalities of the chickens. You have identified yet another variable, their environment.
Make sure that there enough place the little ones can get that the big ones can't access. Put out extra feed - so both sets have their own feeders. Sometimes the bigger ones are calmer when they feel reassured that there will be no shortage of feed/water -- and the kerfuffles happen when they are defening feed and water from intruders.

Hopefully enough space, time and feed -- and it will all settle down and the flock will be integrated. - good luck!
Hopefully the sizes aren't vastly different
[/IMG]We found an abandoned Pekin last night by the Colorado river park in Bastrop. He's about 8 weeks old I think. Took him back to the hotel and heading back to sugar land. Stopping at tractor supply to get some food. We need to find him a good home because we have three dogs. Can anyone suggest a rescue or know of someone who'd like him? He's very sweet and clearly was raised around people.

I have been looking for a goose to add to our three ducks and one lone goose. My babies are about 4 weeks.
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I'm looking for a goose in the Houston area, any suggestions? I've tried all the feed stores around me and have tried Craigslist. I really just want one to go with my lone goose.

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