
Hey y'all. I've been a member since 2015, but this is the first time I've checked out the Texas forum. I'm Texas born & raised. I live about 35 miles northwest of the outskirts of Houston. Been married forever (45 yrs). So I have 1 husband; 1 rooster; 9 layin' hens; a yellow Lab and a Shorty JRT. I live in the country and everyone I've listed here has lots of room to free range.
My back yard.jpg
Hey y'all. I've been a member since 2015, but this is the first time I've checked out the Texas forum. I'm Texas born & raised. I live about 35 miles northwest of the outskirts of Houston. Been married forever (45 yrs). So I have 1 husband; 1 rooster; 9 layin' hens; a yellow Lab and a Shorty JRT. I live in the country and everyone I've listed here has lots of room to free range.View attachment 1084042
I've been kicking it into high gear to get coop and run finished. Just this morning had to segregate five of my 25 four week old chicks for being pecked. Guess we are starting day trips to the temporary run now. :he I'd given my HE until the end of July to have the coop ready, and it looks like he's going to take every bit of that time. Dont blame me though, the chickens were really his idea! He took the actual building of the coop out of my hands, with me being relegated to assistant. I think it's a man thing. :duc :barnie
I've been kicking it into high gear to get coop and run finished. Just this morning had to segregate five of my 25 four week old chicks for being pecked. Guess we are starting day trips to the temporary run now. :he I'd given my HE until the end of July to have the coop ready, and it looks like he's going to take every bit of that time. Dont blame me though, the chickens were really his idea! He took the actual building of the coop out of my hands, with me being relegated to assistant. I think it's a man thing. :duc :barnie

It is. My wife was helping measuring while I was planning, cutting, and barn siding was a pain to cut with a circular saw. It felt like my back was being ripped in half.
Don't get me wrong! I'm grateful to him. But these chicks in a brooder for almost a month are getting on my nerves. I've given them as much space as possible, but any more and I'll be building a duplicate run in the sunroom. :rolleyes: :cool:

Having 17 of them outdoors and 8 troublemakers in the brooder has worked. Thank goodness for small favors.

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