
Question for you savvy Texas residents - I'm looking at a job offer in San Antonio near the international airport. Would like to stay within a 30 minute drive and keep my flock, rooster included. Is that a possibility? I've been looking at the HAR website and don't see any unrestricted property listed unlike Houston that has random patches here and there. Any advise or direction is greatly appreciated!
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What breed are those? They're beautiful!
Question for you savvy Texas residents - I'm looking at a job offer in San Antonio near the international airport. Would like to stay within a 30 minute drive and keep my flock, rooster included. Is that a possibility? I've been looking at the HAR website and don't see any unrestricted property listed unlike Houston that has random patches here and there. Any advise or direction is greatly appreciated!

you'll find plenty of places 30 minutes from the airport where you can have hens, but no roos.

if you can push it out to 45 mins then you'll likely be able to find a place in the country where you can have roos.

good luck.
It's time to harvest your American Beautyberry bushes berries for your chickens.


Know what else I have a lot of that my chickens like -- the fruits of the Passion flower vine. They demolish those once I pop the fruit open to reveal all the little seeds inside.

Was anyone else out in the Harvey rain pulling up green weeds to throw in the pen -- because the feed had all gotten wet in the storm? Only a chicken owner would do thier weeding in the rain - that's for sure.
At least I knew that these Beautyberries, the weeds etc. wouldn't get moldy.
That is great! We have a Passion Vine that is OUT OF CONTROL! We just now started letting our girls free range some and they have been digging through the vine hunting and will occasionally grab a leaf. We don't have any fruits yet but I will start looking. I'm just hoping they can trim the thing down. ;)
Question for you savvy Texas residents - I'm looking at a job offer in San Antonio near the international airport. Would like to stay within a 30 minute drive and keep my flock, rooster included. Is that a possibility? I've been looking at the HAR website and don't see any unrestricted property listed unlike Houston that has random patches here and there. Any advise or direction is greatly appreciated!
Well like most things I would say it also depends on your budget, which would equal to how much land you can get. A lot of places allow horses but no poultry or "farm animals". We are still in the process of looking all over the area and that is what we have been running into. Also the "Unrestricted" parcels of land are getting gobbled up fast! Gee imagine that. :rolleyes:
Hell everyone I'm from North, east Texas.... I'm planning on breeding chickens for a living. I just pick some new Jersey giants, white rock, and golden sexlinks. :) what Im about to have in the over are EE. But once I get the coops set I'll been looking for a roo for the three chicks I said and for new Hampshire, black Australorp, and buff Orpington. Trying my luck with the EE first.
I don't normally post a lot, but today is an exciting day. We got our first egg today! Our Cuckoo Maran, Beans, was the first of our bunch. She laid around noon today, and she is 22 weeks and one day old. BTW, I am in Brookshire, 37 miles west of Houston. Now if the other 13 hens would start, that would be great! (2 Marans, 2 Wellsummers, 2 Buff Orps, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 6 Barred Rocks. And one Buff Orp cockerel, but I don't expect many eggs from him.)

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