
Vicki I'm really sorry
I don't want to anger the rain gods and make it go away but I will try and sneak you some in my pocket
Hooray!! We have had some rain, too!! It rained last night, and it's rained off and on today. We have more rain the in forecast for the next couple of days as well.

Lost three chickens today.
Our stupid puppy Rusty killed them. R.I.P. White Am roosters, Alice -Olive Egger, and Mrs. Fluffy Puffy's daughter.

JellyBean-- I also got mine at Callahan's. All have been healthy and I believe all are pullets, just as I asked for. And it is a fun store to look around in, too. They had the varieties you mentioned in June when I got mine. I know because I got three of the ones you named.

I bought my 3 girls at Buck Moore back in April. They have done great, been healthy and I just got my first egg on Wed, my second today. I buy my feed there as well, they sell organic. I have bought a bag from Callahan's, but I didn't care for it, I'm sure the birds didn't care, they don't sell organic though. It seems Callahan's is always well stocked, and with Buck Moore it's hit and miss, they don't have the inventory that the bigger stores do.

I got my Go Local card with Buck Moore and it has paid for itself buying all my chicken supplies, covers everything in the store except for feed, it's like a 10% discount. Hope that helps.
oh PLEASE send some this way! The forecast says chance of rain.. yeah.. right...

Yay for rain for you all and hoping for rain here!!!

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