
Well Texans, I would like to share some sad news. My two OLD ( 9 and 7 ) hens, who have been around since the towers fell, passed away over the weekend. One right after the other. My BA, who never had a name, was the first to go. Fell asleep on the roost and was found exactly the same way in the morning. It's funny, she was still laying a steady egg a day no matter the weather. She did take a break over the winter, and I got a little worried about her. Then it went away. Her best friend, just two years her junior, was found under the nesting boxes yesterday when I got home. They were cremated, did not bother with opening them up. I'm pretty positive they went out due to age and nothing more. So, RIP ladies. May you continue tearing up gardens across the rainbow bridge. Continue harassing someone when food is late, and making the loudest chimes when you lay eggs. Continue being the biggest hogs, and stealing all the best worms. You will be missed.

I am so sorry sounds like they had a great life also seems like the 7 yr old went to be with her best friend and now they are together running around having a great time free ranging with no predators to bother them
Thanks everyone for the condolences. It seems it's just time for all of my elderly ladies to go. A few of my older game hens are passing as well. Most of my game birds are 7+ years, but without looking at leg tags and going ALL the way back I wouldn't know for sure. But, I have offspring ( and great offspring, if not great GREAT ) of all of these hens. Right now I'm raising up about 20+ B.A's so I'm sure that the two girls had an egg or two in there.

I encountered something strange today while playing chicken herder. I was moving about 14 BA and 10 EE pullets into their new enclosure, and we just used a large net around them to walk them there. These pullets ( and possibly a cockeral hiding in there ) are about 10-12 weeks old at the most... Yet, I had one squat and act receptive? I've never seen a pullet so young do this... and she did it several times to the supposed cockeral as we were moving them. Then, as I picked her up to see, sure enough... she threw out her wings and dropped her head to receive my hand? Strange little girl.


If I were you, I would end up shooting the dogs. I have a no stray rule. I've told my neighbors, and they have the rights to shoot MY dogs if my dogs get loose and start tearing up someones livestock. Now, haven't had an issue with a 'stray' in a while... But when the neighbors up the road's rotty got loose, and tore up about $2000 worth of birds, I asked them kindly to tie up their dog and repay what they can. Next time, it's the dog. Haven't seen him since, but I DO hear him all the time. I know he's still there.

While my dogs occasionally run loose in MY yard off their chains or out of the pens, I keep close eye and put them up first sign of straying from the property. Electric fencing keeps them otherwise enclosed.
me & my girls are in san antonio... any one else with chickens in city? where's your favorite spot to get your supplies? anyone have a permit to have more then 3 in their backyard?

Hey there ChicknGarden, I'm in Austin but I grew up in S.A. and go back often enough. Is there really a 3 bird rule? That's awful! You should come to the Austin Funky Chicken Coop Tour, April 7th. It's a lot of fun.

Where a bouts in S.A. do you and your girls live?
my grandmother just called me.  There are 3 strays in my yard.  I called animal control who told me to call sheriff's office.  I called sheriff's office.  Dispatch told me they won't pick the animals up because their facility is full.  "We won't pick them up unless they are vicious.  Are they vicious?"  I said I don't know but I told my 89 year old grandmother to stay inside.  I said I have expensive livestock out there -what am I supposed to do???? This is such crap!!!! She said she would have someone call me.  I'm not supposed to shoot them unless they are in the act of attacking something or someone.  I'm not going to take the risk of trying to catch them and put them in my car to take them to the animal shelter only to be told they won't take them because they are full.  I'm SICK of this!!!!!!  Exactly what am I supposed to do? 

Poison is your only option. Horrible to contemplate though. Better than losing your stock though.
Hi, everyone . I am a newbie here. I am in poteet tx . I have so ,far 5 dogs , cats , 2 donkeys , 10 goats , 1 guinea , 3 ducks & just bought 9 baby chicks . my 9 month old baby boy & my soon to be 3 yr old daughter just love the animals .My husband ,my dad ,my mom & I enjoy building them there coops & setting things up for everyone. I am on here to meet people to exchange info on how to raise my animals . I am new to having goats ,ducks ,chicks & donkeys. I hope to hear from everyone .
Erica L.
it used to be 5 allowed till they decided to change it last year! its really lame ... we are currently living on the southside of san antonio ... would love love love to get land so i can have as many as i want ... maybe one day... april 7th thats sounds awesome. i hear austin has a limit of 10? my husband has been wanting for us to move there, he loves the scene, and the whole foods store there on lamar, not to mention yall have more options for us vegetarian ...but for some reason i keep telling hin nah ... but now since i saw some where that ya'll could have 10 i told him.. .heck lets move...

so where can i get more info on the funky chicken coop tour??
my girls, human ones :) , would love it !

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