
just received notice that my BCM chicks were shipped yesterday!! I'm super, super excited!!! my new goats are a pain in the
even though I have fallen in love with them. They, of course, found a hole in the fence (that is only about 25 years old :) and we spent Sunday repairing the goat fence instead of working on my coop. Did get some shade put up in the run for the flock tho for this summer. The run that they are penned up in during the day when no one is home, is bare of any shade trees in the afternoon, so hopefully this will help. The run is pretty good size 20' x 80-100' (at least 4 times the size of the shaded area) and I know they don't like being cooped up in such a small space :) during the day - but maybe the new shade will help . . .

I'm also starting to get lots of stuff from the garden, squash, peppers, radishes. I've also got tons of baby melons coming in

I picked up a order of 40 chicks a couple of months ago. I live about a hour north of Houston. It was a very nice drive. I have had a lot of good dealings with the folks at Ideal. You just have to let them know you bare picking them up so they do not include the shipping in the bill if you pay before you go. I have all 40 teenager chicks that are big and beautiful. They have great Australorps for a hathcery. p.s. I love having chickens in Texas. I had to put up a mister system for them last year though, it was just so hot. They got where they would be laying right under it with the water beading up on their feathers.
i just found this thread. i live just south of fort worth. vickir73 your produce is gorgeous. i'm so excited, i think i 'm going to have a bumper crop of tomatoes this year. i've never had a successful tomato crop before.
m.r.heavenly hens, i have a mister & was wondering if my chickens would benefit from it. i'm new to chickens & this is my first summer w/them. hopefully this summer isn't as bad as last, but probably will be. i'm glad to read that your chickens liked the mister.
i just found this thread. i live just south of fort worth. vickir73 your produce is gorgeous. i'm so excited, i think i 'm going to have a bumper crop of tomatoes this year. i've never had a successful tomato crop before.
m.r.heavenly hens, i have a mister & was wondering if my chickens would benefit from it. i'm new to chickens & this is my first summer w/them. hopefully this summer isn't as bad as last, but probably will be. i'm glad to read that your chickens liked the mister.

Welcome bj, I too live just south of Ft. Worth, 'bout 30 miles'.
As heavenly says, misters are a good idea to help the flock cool down.
When the summer heat sets in you might also want to put out some shallow pans/tubs of water for your flock to wade in. Some folks use kiddie swimming pools in their runs. My girls really enjoy wading in shallow water to cool themselves.
Last summer, once or twice a week, I also got watermelon, cantaloupe, cabbage et al and put them in the frig for a day or so, so they'd be cool/cold, .....and then cut up and take them out for the flock in the heat of the day to help them cool off.
Also have fans running in the coop to help. It's sad to see chickens panting.
And of course as much shade as you can provide. The south and west afternoon sun is usually the area where you will want to provide the most shade.
Believe me, we'll be talking about it here on the Texas thread when the time comes!!!
Deana, I'm sorry I did not see your friendly reply until just now. Where in the world is Rhome, Tx? I have some of everything just about but their are a couple more breeds I'd like to try. LOL! I don't seem to be able to stop. Is that an addiction? If it is, I don't want to be cured.

My son and I call it chickenitis, there doesn't seem to be a cure, sorry.
I tell my husband that its a sickness and the only cure is more chickens

Welcome from Lockhart TX to all that have checked in.
Hello Everybody,

While I live in Kansas, I come home often to Dallas. I will be making the trip the end of may and was wondering if anyone in the Dallas Fort worth area, would be interested in a
rooster. He is only 6-8 weeks old. His name is Leroy and he as already started crowing. He is really a sweet guy, kinda shy at first but settles almost immediately. I think he will be a Sicilian Buttercup, I got him from a pullet bin at the feed store here. They get there chicks from Ideal Poultry. If you are interested at all let me know! I want him to go to a good home, I can not have him in Wichita city limits

Free Rooster
Free Rooster
Free Rooster
Free Rooster

PS...Leroy ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF, and I am sure you will agree if you choose to take him!!
Hi everyone!
I am completely new to here...and raising chickens. :) For mother's day, I was given the early present of three chicks, and we are currently building the coop!
I'm in Georgetown (north of Austin). Nice to meet everyone!

Hi everyone!
I am completely new to here...and raising chickens.
For mother's day, I was given the early present of three chicks, and we are currently building the coop!
I'm in Georgetown (north of Austin). Nice to meet everyone!
We're just down the road from you in Round Rock. If you'd like any help with that coop, or anything else, let us know! Also, congrats on the new chicken ordinance there in G-town!
Hi, y'all! I'm east of Temple in Zabcikville. I've been semi-lurking here on BYC for a little over a year, and have suddenly had a run-in with some messed up chicken math. I have 12 hens, 1 rooster (bound for freezer camp), 1 duck, 15 chicks in the brooder (5 BO, 5 RSL, 5 blue silkies), and now a broody hen on 11 eggs.
Currently building a new tractor and looking at building a chicken BARN!

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