
Nice looking coops.
You should be careful with the coop being wrapped in chicken wire, a raccoon can tear that apart or reach thru and snag a chicken. You should cover the bottom with a smaller gridded panel. Ours has chicken wire around the top but smaller around the bottom.
Nice looking coops.
You should be careful with the coop being wrapped in chicken wire, a raccoon can tear that apart or reach thru and snag a chicken. You should cover the bottom with a smaller gridded panel. Ours has chicken wire around the top but smaller around the bottom.
I agree ange92040, it took me a while to learn that chicken wire is useless if used lower down!!! Dogs, coyotes & coons can chew right through it. Now my hen yard is surrounded with chain link and my hen house is surrounded with 1" by 1/2" wire from the ground up to about 2 1/2 feet. Chicken wire can keep chickens in, but it won't keep predators out.
Great! Another cold front coming & it rained got over two inches. Yea!! I had just planted my fall garden before the rain. Hoping to get more tomatoes from my spring crop. The plants are about 6 feet tall & starting to flower. I love home grown tomatoes. I got my first batch of honey from my bees man its tasty. Got around thirty pounds. Good stuff you can't beat raw honey. Where I live it was once called the land of milk & honey. If anyone is in the Navasota area PM me if you wanna buy some raw honey or canned farm fresh tomatoes. I use no chemicals on my farm.
Ok I've got it working :yesss: Sorry if I'm boring everyone but this has been driving me crazy :rant

This is a picture of our Wyandotte's coop & the post before is the Bantam's coop :D

Love those open coops! Looks like they have lots of air and shade.

I post pictures this way: I type [ img ] (without the spaces) then paste the URL of the picture, then type [ /img ] (again, no spaces)

Thanks we plan on closing the inside a little more this winter.
Nice looking coops.

You should be careful with the coop being wrapped in chicken wire, a raccoon can tear that apart or reach thru and snag a chicken. You should cover the bottom with a smaller gridded panel. Ours has chicken wire around the top but smaller around the bottom.
Thanks but we've never had a problem with raccoons or possums tearing through the chicken wire, this isn't the cheap thin weight wire, it's a stronger grade but I do put hardware cloth across the ends where the roost touches the outside wire ( chickens seem to want to roost right next to the outside edge) & when there's evidence of critters coming in the yard we put out the live trap & catch them & take them very far away.
Great! Another cold front coming & it rained got over two inches. Yea!! I had just planted my fall garden before the rain. Hoping to get more tomatoes from my spring crop. The plants are about 6 feet tall & starting to flower. I love home grown tomatoes. I got my first batch of honey from my bees man its tasty. Got around thirty pounds. Good stuff you can't beat raw honey. Where I live it was once called the land of milk & honey. If anyone is in the Navasota area PM me if you wanna buy some raw honey or canned farm fresh tomatoes. I use no chemicals on my farm.
Jockeyeba I love your coops and congrats on getting the pictures posted. After reading 'Fresh-Air Poultry Houses' by Prince T. Woods, I agree with him: coops should be open. My coop is open on two sides and would love to have one more side open for better ventilation.

Lisa :)
I am sad to say I have learned my lesson with chicken wire. I have raised chickens for 25 years and until day before yesterday never had a break in. I lost 6 pullets to coyotes. They tore right through my new pen. Built just like the old pens. We added 14 gauge wire fencing over the top. I'm not sure if it is poor wire or just bad luck. Just my 2 cents.
I am sad to say I have learned my lesson with chicken wire. I have raised chickens for 25 years and until day before yesterday never had a break in. I lost 6 pullets to coyotes. They tore right through my new pen. Built just like the old pens. We added 14 gauge wire fencing over the top. I'm not sure if it is poor wire or just bad luck. Just my 2 cents.

Sorry to hear that & yes we know it could happen, about 8 years ago coyotes killed 5 of our outside cats in our front & back yard. I see you live fairly close to us.

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