thank you,,,everyone this is my last post

Why couldn't Ozzchicken just cut off 4" from the side of his coop that's 4" too close to the boundary??? Then he wouldn't have to rebuild or move it/put in a foundation. He'd just have to re-finish the side that got cut.
It really made me feel great with all the replies and suggestions. I really appreciate them all,,,,
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
What a wonderful thing to do for a fellow serviceman!! Kudos to him and kudos to you for sticking it out and finding a solution. I hope and pray that your chickens will bring you lots of happiness and all the therapy you need! God bless you and I think I speak for everyone when I say I am glad you will be sticking around!!!
so sorry to hear about your troubles. please hang in there we don't want to see you leave! thank you so much for your service, Dh and i just can't believe the treatment you are recieving from your neighbor:rant! we're sending good thoughts your way!!!!!!
That is amazing! I'm so glad that a solution has come. Chickens really are amazing therapy. I have bi-polar type II disorder and even though I'm medicated I still enjoy having things in my life that help relieve stress and keep me busy. I enjoy sitting out with the girls and watching them play. I've never gotten more sunshine in my life!
It sounds like the neighbor thought they'd be able to stop you from getting chickens if they stopped you from using the building for them. HA. My best friend has an uppity neighbor that hangs her underwear out to dry on a line in the backyard where all can see. It bugs the heck out of my friend. She also has a dog and sometimes my friends chickens get in her yard and the neighbor complains because she wants chickens some day and her dog will never be able to get used to them with all her chickens coming over... yeah that makes sense. I think my friend needs guinea fowl. Lots of them. She now has like 15 ducks and 30 hens and 1 rooster. She is putting up a bigger fence along the side where that neighbor is, but the noise would be awesome.
Chicken tractor!!!! A BRILLIANT idea! And the people who built it... what generosity!
I'm soooo happy and relieved for you, Ozzchicken. And glad you'll be staying and posting about your new chickens.

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