Thank you, Fed-Ex man

That was nice of them! I think I would get a Christmas palm tree if I were there. It is 15 degrees here officially but says it feels like -2. I am not going to test their assumption. I will however be able to tell if they are correct if my Chihuahua comes back from his pre-bed time trip to mother natures loo with peesicles, lol.

Gritsar- That stinks about your DH's cd case! I bet he loved it anyway. CD's are one of those gifts that you can only give someone you love enough to know their taste in music, it means a lot whe someone takes the time to know that much about you.
Grit, Happy birthday to your DH, hope he likes his cd.

And Livin, I do have some baby banana trees out in the back yard in pots, I wanted to bring one in, but DH is afraid I'll kill it
But now that we have things to put under it, I say yes, and he's not home to stop me tonight lol

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