Thanks for bein' here

Growing up on Baltimore City didn't exactly prepare me for this recent turn in my life. For all I knew, chickens went out with the dinosaurs and only the meat and egg companies raised them. Only animals I ever saw where rats and pit bulls and citizens were encouraged to kill both. I grew up in group homes and orphanages, and learned at a very young age not to get attached to anything, EVER> Almost 40 and lived what feels like a 1000 lives, I found myself wondering the local flea market and saw a curly haired little girl selling her wares. She looked like me in one of the only pictures I have of a very small me, and I just had to stop and talk to her. She was holding in her hand a 4 week old Silver Phoenix cockerel . That little tiny head, with those huge eyes, the chicken not the girl, was looking straight at me, then cocked his little head to the side, swear was now staring at my soul, I fell in love. Years of forged barricades all melted away, and there I was. In the middle of a **** flea market having my life changed by a chicken. And so it did.
Now almost a year later, I haven't been able to stop the flood gates. I cant get enough. It feels so good to care for them, so wonderful to watch them scratch with delight. I give them love, attention, the best food I can make and freedom, all the things I never had, and am a better person for it. What started that day with 1 Phoenix and two Barred Rocks with a ready made chicken hutch has turned into a mixture of 60 chickens, ducks, pheasants, and Palm Turkeys. It is a lot of work, but I don't have to tell you, how wonderful it is.
Everything I have needed to know I have learned here. I decided to stop being on the outside looking in, and finally joined Backyard Chickens!
Well Earl I am glad that you found something positive to focus on in your life. Your story is touching and I am glad that you are able to share it with folks. I pray that you and your flock are blessed and continue to grow with each other.

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