Thanks Giving Weekend Excuse to get away from your family Games and Prizes Did I mention Ayam Cemani

OK lets give away some prizes for lasts night antics!! You all did GREAT for beginners!!

CPL would like to see THIS thread at the top of the MOST active thread counts on the front page of the BYC site!! That is the goal!! Well My goal. GO BIG or GO home.

Ok Lets award some prizes and open some more threads.

Lets make one for the serious chatters who don't like it when we jack their thread for our shenanagans while they are talking important chicken business !!

Another thread to post the prizes. If You see you name then drop me a message as to your mailing address and it will be on the way.

http://"Thanks Giving Weekend Excuse to get away from your family Games and Prizes

I'm going to use a random number generator to pick the winners. I will not even see who it is I will just put in the 1st and last post numbers and then you can tell us it's you!!

Right now the post count is 242


You are a the 1st winners do either of you want a golden feather membership? If not we will find another prize.

The is the generator I am using!!
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YAY! I won!!! Whoot! The new thread link is invalid tho.

The last serious post had a question about Cermani. They are one of the rarest chickens out there. Their eggs are whitish to cream and are not tremendously productive layers - with their eggs currently typically selling for $50 - $100 each - people are not making omelets with them...
YAY! I won!!!  Whoot!    The new thread link is invalid tho.

The last serious post had a question about Cermani.  They are one of the rarest chickens out there. Their eggs are whitish to cream and are not tremendously productive layers - with their eggs currently typically  selling for $50 - $100 each - people are not making omelets with them...

No omelettes, huh? Thank for your answer! I couldn't find much information on them. I first heard of cermani in a post on my tumblr dashboard..
Indonesian - cemani birds are black, black feathers, black eyes, black combs, black skin, black meat, tongue, mouth, organs and bones. BLack black. Not the eggs tho somebody is running around the net with magic marker eggs or photoshopping. The SH are kissing cousins, just a bit heavier bodied and larger is all. I've a juvie pair of the AC from CPLs eggs. Would like a few more tho.... They're so rare over here because of an import ban tho a few have been imported via Europe - there's only 2 or 3 breeders that did legally at least. Bunch of fakes and phonies scamming on them tho. So while the birds are SUPPOSED to be black like that, in the US were fighting to get that pervasive level of blackness established. Lot of pink mouths, color that shouldn't be there, clear toes, odd white feather things like that to be culled for.

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