The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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They pop off the top, like this:

And then flop out, like this.

I think they have an easier time zipping because the egg is not rocking as they move inside the egg.
Thanks so much for your question, I wondered the same.
And thanks so much Happy Chicks for your photos to answer this question.
I will do this for the batch of 12 in the 'bator now with an egg carton or paper towel type "cups".
On my original hatch for Easter, the 1st chick, pip, ripped, tore and then tore again.
By looking and listening for the peep, 5 hours later, I discovered she had become stuck upside down on her head. I rolled her up and she finnally escaped. Meanwhile, 2 other pips had ripped, torn and flopped out.
The 1st one was the only one to get stuck upside down, but I noticed what seemed to be the struggle with the rolling around of the egg.
To me, it's worth trying, especially looking at your pictures!
Okay, Everyone:

Press your ear up against your incubator and tap on a window...

Is there any cheeping??

I like to tap to encourage them. They love to hear it, like it's Momma's beak tapping to encourage them!

Quick runthrough, as I've just worked 26 out of the last 48 hours and now I have to run out to the farm...

I do love this, but the eggs should be upright, with the fat end up. Gravity dictates the air cell will go to the top with every bump and jarring motion the whole trip, and that will trash the air cells...

Please let them know they can come here for help and we'll all pitch in to do anything we can, should you need it!!

You're on the wrong need to bust a move over to the Cinco de Mayo thread...and I have your address, still. Look for turkey eggs next week.

Head to a pet store and get some baby parrot formula. Mix it with water and feed by squirting it on the crack of the beak. Once it tastes it, it will chow down, and the probiotics and dense nutritional value will help a lot.

I recommend that everyone have this on hand for weak chicks, sick or injured adults, etc.

Head over to the Cinco de Mayo thread and someone will set you up with great eggs there!

I say baby parrot formula, parakeet grit (a dish for them at 2 days old, helps prevent mucky bum), and a small log and a spade of grass (sod, w/ roots) out of the yard. I'm not kidding! They jump up on the log and pick various organics from the bark, and the sod also helps to put beneficial flora and fauna in their gut. Some might fear this would bring on coccidiosis, but I've experienced just the opposite.

Okay, put your ear up to the window and tap again!!!

Off to the farm.

You can buy grit for chicks now.

Parakeet grit often has calcium in it which is bad for little chicks.
I used to use the arrot formula, but switched to grinding the starter. I had hear the parakeet grit was bad for them and it was a real bummer, cause they were one of the last birds I used to raise and I had had a ton of grit left over. Worked fine on my flock though.
I have cheeping coming from my bator!

That means tomorrow will be moving day for my juveniles and brooder cleaning day getting ready for the babies. That ought to keep me busy.
YooooHooo! Good news!
10 chicks now...:D
7rirs and 3buff silkies...
Only 2 more eggs of the 12 left in the bator has pips, one rir and one white silkie. If I could just get a white and blue silkie to hatch I would be content with what has hatched already.
There is 2 rir and 10silkies left in the bator!
Wish us luck and prayers!

Our first chick to hatch is an hrir and so supper friendly, he already steps onto our hands and will come running if he sees your finger stuck out he loves to get water off your finger. All 10 are now in the brooder, I waited until several hatched but want them in the brooder instead of bator overnight. I know everyone says its ok for them to stay in but when 6 chicks are playing soccer with the eggs and knocking an already pipped egg upside down with pip into the ground I just couldn't handle it for worry.

I feel slightly like I have a newborn in the house, my back hurts from being hunched over watching eggs hatch and worrying about this and that with the eggs/chicks.

Will get some pictures maybe tomorrow evening :)
Well Ladies and gents my official Lockdown number is 45 in the bator and 8 that I gave to my broody. that makes 53 out of 76 set making it to lockdown. I only had 3 quiters out of the 23 that got tossed the rest were clears. No pips yet but I am definatly getting excited reading about the pips going on out there.

post# 6666 maybe I need to hit the lottery.
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It might be splayed leg after all?
She's sporting the oh so fashionable prosthetic I made to help her get some traction with her feet and actually move when she flails like that. she seems to be trying to sit up a little bit. Help me improve this please.... She's the sweetest little thing, so I want her to make it if there is any way possible...
I have you all beat on crowing. I have the BYC record 1 DAY old. (his daddy started crowing at 4 days old) Check it out:

Oh my goodness Happy Chooks!!!!
That is the MOST ADORABLE video!
I didn't see him clearly the first time he did it, and I thought, "aww, is THAT all? I bet someone just poked him and he squeaked." But then you focused on him and he did it again! There was no denying the little neck stretch out and a definite squeaky little crow!! SOOOO CUTE!!!!!
I had to play it at least 5 times (to show different members of my family of course...
). Is it ok with you if I share it with some friends of ours who also have chickens? I know they will just LOVE it!
Also in Alabama.... Mine got down to 72F degrees for over 6 hours. Mine are due to hatch Saturday, but from what I saw when I candled, I expect them to start hatching maybe 2 days late.
And how wrong I was...... Cream legbar zipping right now!
Two days early. I set this on 3/7/13 at 8:00pm
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